I am co-writing this story with Lily_Evans. We will both be updating and have not figured out what to call this yet. This is about a show called Merlin. It leaves off after the season finale of the 3rd season. Please review on the feedback thread. Thanks and happy writing.
Chapter 1- "Morgana and Morgouse are dead!!" A soldier said. "Are you sure?" Prince Arthur asked unsurely. "Yes." "Merlin!!!!" Arthur yelled. "Yes???" "We NEED allies... In this war against magic, Camelot can not stand alone." The prince said grimly. "I shall make a list!" Merlin stated as he walked off into the distance. "Ok??" Arthur said. --------Gaius' Room------- Kingdoms We Can Ally: 1. Caravio 2. Jesovia 3. Cosharian 4. Bloosh 5. Feshoco "I think that's enough, probably will not be though." Merlin said out loud. -------Arthur's Chambers The Next Day------- "I GOT THE LIST!!!" Merlin said as he knocked on Arthur's door. He finally decided to just walk in. "Wake up!" "It's only 5:30." Arthur said whining a bit. "It's 11:45..." "No, it's 5:30." "It's 11:45" Merlin said opening up the curtains. "Ahhh!!! The light, it burns!!" Arthur replied shielding his eyes. "Umm... So I got that list you told me to get." Merlin said. "Ok then, what's the first kingdom?" "Umm... Caravio." "Hmm... Who rules there?" "King Jeffery Fallswin." "Any kids??" "Just the Princess, Annabelle Lauretta Fallswin." "Humph...how old?" The prince asked disgustedly. "Our age?? Maybe a year or two younger." "Oh. Well since it's first on your list, we should go there first." "Well, if you go by logic, we should actually visit number 3 first..." "We are going there first." the prince said firmly. "But..." Merlin argued. "We are going there first and that's final." "Ok." "I will tell my father later, but first I need to get dressed..." After changing into a red shirt, black pants, and his boots, he brushed his messy blond hair and asked Merlin to clean his sword. -------The Ride to Caravia------ "I see the castle in the distance sire!!" A soldier exclaimed. "Finally!! We've passed 3 other kingdoms that were on the list already, not stopping, and we have STILL been on the road for HOURS!!!" The irritated prince exclaimed. "I TOLD you that we should've gone to number 3 first!!" Merlin retorted. "Shut up, Merlin." "Sire! We're there!!!" Another soldier exclaimed. ------Caravia------ "Why would red soldiers be coming towards our kingdom?" Lady Annabelle asked. "Could it be a war, my lady?" Lillian, her faithful servant asked. "I don't think so." "Then who could it be?" "FATHER!!!" Lady Annabelle yelled as she ran down the hall.
Chapter 2- "Annabelle!! We have guests!!" "Father, I was just coming to tell you that!!" "Mistress!! Wait!! You need a cloak!!" The castle was abuzz with the news that knights were here, from Camelot! Camelot!! "Lily, I don't need a cloak." "It's the middle of WINTER!!!! You need a cloak!!" "No I don't!" Annabelle said stepping outside, "I take that back. Can I have my cloak?" "Here" Lily said rolling her eyes. ----A Couple Hours Later---- "In this war against magic, Camelot can not stand alone." The prince's voice boomed across the tall room. Then a quieter voice called out behind him; "Uhh. Arthur, you already used that line." "Shut up Merlin." "What's wrong with ma- oww!!" Lily cried out as Annabelle elbowed her sharply. "Shhhh!!" Annabelle hissed. "So about the alliance." The king seemed eager to begin, "We have had problems with magic also. We accept your offer." Just when the prince started to smile, the doors flew open with a BANG!! Two soldiers burst in carrying in between them a very familiar man. "Gwaine?!?!" Both Arthur and Merlin exclaimed at the same time. "Uhh Sire, we've been having some problems with this man." Said a soldier. "Hey Jeff!!!" Gwaine said. "Err I see. Lock him up till he's sober." The king awkwardly replied. "FREE DRINKS ON ME!!!!" "What the??" Annabelle said. "Umm we'll take him till he's sober and no he is not giving out free drinks." Merlin said. "Good idea. Your highness, I think it would be best for everyone to retire now." Arthur said. "Uhh, yes very good idea. Annabelle, will you take care of that??" The king said. "Yeah, Lily take care of them." "What wing are they going in?" "Put them in the North, next to the royalty." Annabelle specified. "Ok. Follow me." "What about me??" Gwaine asked slightly hurt. "Well... Seeing the trajectory of the moon and the sun, your room is in the basement. You get roommates and pretty metal bars. Doesn't that sound great?" "Oooooooo sounds pretty..." Gwaine said and he was dragged downstairs. "I can walk." he told guards and as soon as he stood up, he passed out. "Yeah, you can walk." one of the guards said sarcastically. ------Northern Chambers------ "So here are your chambers." Lily said. "Thanks." Merlin said and the boys walked in. "Wasn't Annabelle gorgeous??" Arthur said as he changed out of his fancy clothes. "Yeah, I guess..." "You don't think so??" "No, it's not that. I am still getting over Freya." "Oh." "Wait, do you know about Freya??" "No." Arthur replied slightly hurt. "Well... I dated her and then she died, in my arms. We were so happy together. Then I gave her a Viking funeral." "Aww..." ----Outside their Chambers---- "This is so interesting..." Lily whispered to herself as she moved the glass around. Suddenly the door opened. "Can I help you?" Merlin asked. "Yeah, can I speak to Arthur??" "Sure." Merlin replied as he stepped in the door and told Arthur he was called. "Sire, come to the lake just outside of town tomorrow at 4." "Ok." "Bye." Lily said as she walked off.
Chapter 3- "My lady, Prince Arthur was talking about you." "He was?" She replied after a spit take. "Yeah, he was. He likes you." Lily exclaimed. "Well, I like him too." Annabelle said blushing. "Good because your first date's at the lake at 4 tomorrow." "What?!?!" "Could you stop spitting please??" "Well when you tell me you set me up on a date, I must spit on the floor." "Soooo..." "I have a date with prince Arthur??" "Yep" ---------The Next Day--------- "What am I going to wear??" Annabelle asked. "What about the green dress?" Lily suggested. "Too fancy." "How about the blue with the gold embroidery?" "That's for special occasions." "The purple one?" "No." "Why?" "I don't like that one." "What about the red one?" "And I'll wear the earrings my daddy bought me." "Alright." ------Meanwhile in Arthurs Chambers------ "What am I going to wear??" Arthur asked. "For what??" "My date." "With?" "Lady Annabelle." Arthur replied. He seemed to burst with joy. "How about this?" Merlin said pulling out a green shirt, black pants, and Arthurs dress boots. "No. I don't like the shirt." "What about the purple shirt?" "Nah." "Why?" "I don't like that one." "How about the navy blue one." "Ok." -----Annabelle's Chambers----- "How do I look?" Annabelle asked as she stepped into the light. Her blonde hair was braided to the side with a red ribbon in it. The dress was long and bright red. Her black heels went very well and the dangly earring went perfectly. They were hearts with red gems in the right side. "You look gorgeous. If Arthur didn't love you before, he will now." Lily replied. "Thanks." Annabelle said as she gave Lily a hug. "Remember not to be out too long." "I'll take my horse and you can say I'm out riding. Bye." Annabelle said as she walked out the door. "Bye." ----------The Lake---------- Arthur was there a few minutes early and he started to think that he was getting stood up, but then Annabelle arrived. "You look gorgeous." Arthur stood there rather speechless. "Thanks." "Want something to eat?" Arthur asked. "I'm starving." Annabelle said. Arthur got out a blanket and set the food. They had some sandwiches and some other fruits. "So where's your dad?" Annabelle asked. "Well, my umm I guess you could say sister went evil and betrayed us. He's going mad." Arthur replied. "I'm sorry." Annabelle said and they just ate silently for a while. After about 15 minutes Arthur said, "Where's your mom?" "She died when I was very little." "I'm sorry." "I never really knew her, so I can't really be upset about it." "Why have we never met before?" "My dad doesn't like me leaving the kingdom. He says it's dangerous. I say it's adventure. All I want to do is leave and explore." "Don't you like the power?" "I could care less. It's more of a hassle. I would rather be a peasant." "I think you should explore. You can come with Merlin and I when we leave." Arthur suggested. "Really?" Annabelle asked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Defiantly. We should be getting back now." Arthur replied once he noticed the sun was setting. "I guess." Annabelle said as she stood up and brushed the dirt off. "I'd like to do this again though." "We should." "Alright." Annabelle said as she got on her horse and rode off. ---------At the Castle--------- "ANNABELLE LAURETTA FALLSWIN!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??" King Jeffery asked. "I was out riding..." "No you weren't." "Yeah I was." "GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!" The king continued to yell. "But dad..." "To your room!!!" "I HATE YOU!!!" Annabelle yelled as she walked off to her room. You could even hear the door slam. "Guards. Make sure she doesn't leave her room." The king directed. -------Arthur's Chambers------- "You're back!!!" Merlin exclaimed. "How was it?" "Amazing!" The prince replied. He seemed happier than ever. "When are we leaving?" "Tomorrow and Annabelle is coming with us." Arthur said. "What??" "She is coming with us." "We can't bring her with us. Your dad would freak out." "He is out of it right now." "It's not a good idea. You are going to get distracted." "Are you implying something, Merlin??" "Yes." "Well, shut up." Arthur replied in his angry voice, "You're dismissed." "Arthur, we're sharing a room." "Well, couldn't you have at least made a good exit??" "No." Merlin argued. "Humph..." "Humph?" "Yes humph." --------Outside Arthurs Chambers------- "This is so interesting..." Lily said to herself. "LILY ARE YOU EAVESDROPPING AGAIN?!?!" Merlin yelled. "No, I'm just listening to every word that happens to be said without you knowing." Lily replied. "Oh and my duck is here, right Tulip?" "Quack quack." Tulip replied. "You have a duck?" Arthur asked as he opened the door. "NO IT'S CLEARLY A LLAMA!!!!" Lily yelled. "Of course it's a DUCK!!!" "Quack quack." "Here ducky!! Do you want a treat??" Merlin said. "Ok??" Arthur said. "Watch out she'll eat anything even fingers!!" Lily warned. "Owww!!" Merlin yelled as the duck bit his hand. "I warned you!!" Lily said. "Oh and she gets indigestion if you feed her treats." "Ok??" Arthur said. "I'm out. Bye!!!" "Ok??" "Is that all you can say??" Merlin asked. Arthur just glared in reply. -------------------------------