The truth behind Warlor - Zaft Osw

Discussion in 'Wars' started by oldkaw, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. It was a rainy day and poor Valor was sitting in her mum's basement and she was trying to think what she should do with Zaft!
    Inside her mind a lot of thoughts like " They can't do this to my clan", "Season 1 Warlor was unbeatable"," I can't accept this, I need to do something","How these noobs as they are in osw rocking on EE wars, I need to destroy them but how". And suddenly she found it and a great plan passed from her mind " OMG I found it, I will join osw against them and I will say Laoda farmed IMF out of the blue  and he asked him to resetBut the problem my clan are full of EB fairies and EE noobsHmmmm I will ask them to drop pots and add more towers they will listen to me, the don't have choise and I will give them candies" " OMG OMG I am clever, this idea is brilliant"

    The real reason why warlor started osw against Zaft!
  2. Op get off forums please
  3. Cool sorry. Just kidding, it's ****
  4. Post with a main
  5. I would like a piece of pecan pie please️
  6. Lol how did i know op was a statless alt before even clicking name 
  7. Ohhhhh. I love pecan pie!
  8. I like pie as well
  9. But here the topic is Val and her "brilliant" plan not the pie 
  10. The victim Val poor Val
  11. You all suck❗️
  12. @ OP

    It takes someone very special to spell choice incorrectly
  13. @eye

    That's why we have you here. To correct grammar mistakes
  14. Sorry wrong one