the truth about Sarcbatt

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Defiant, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. The truth about sarc.. With ss I hope lol

    Rumours and lies about why ZAFT council recently decided to break his cf and strip him is below.

    ZAFT cannot however take credit for his actions after the strip and forever placing "doing a sarc" in the kaw dictionary.

    These events below happened AFTER he got cf and was happily sitting in a clan whacking Ebs while rest of mg warred in osw..




    As you can clearly see sarc is trying to recruit randoms to war ZAFT while under a war cf from Laoda. He just tried to recruit the wrong one lol

    Then the random is followed by another mg runner looking to set up some kind of plan against ZAFT??



    At this point ss were sent to ZAFT council and decision made to strip sarc for his actions above.

    Id love to know what plan Alex is talking about?

    I've posted with my main and been respectful to apoc and as both players above are or were mg members / apoc and mg council have been specifically mentioned and based on above content especially from Alex i encourage a leader from mg / apoc to comment on these ss to help clarify the situation here.

    If above isn't proof enough for kaw to prove sarc is a butt hurt liar who got caught while on cf and deserved all he got (well he did more to himself then ZAFT did) then I don't know what will prove it. As for Alex? Well that's a different topic I think....

    Sarc's been trying to play the bully card far to long against ZAFT so now all can see the kinda of stuff ZAFT is dealing with..

    Facts are ZD stripped him Atleast twice - both for large amounts - to protect his fake gold he asked laoda for cf after the second strip.

    So now sarc would you care to disagree with the above facts? Are ZAFT still the bullies you and others make out? Or was a cf given to you in good faith that you broke??

    I'd love to see how your are gonna 'sarc this...'

    My reason for posting this is I'm sick of ZAFT being portrayed as bullies by peeps that know half or less of the actual facts in and around this war so I'll gladly take any actions council wish to place on me for posting this as its worth it to shut him and the many others up who think we randomly break cfs for fun or are kaws bullies..

    ZAFT Destiny
  2. Lmao :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: this is hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. How did he find Telemachus? WC, lol?
  4. Nice. :lol:
  5. Sarc has a barcode in his name.

    I question the validity of the screenshots in the conversation with Sarc.
  6. S P G search it and weep.

  7. LIES! This was after ZaFT broke his cf, he then started stripping everyone and now he is doing this. He had a CF fair and square until u guys started hitting him again
  8. Be extremely careful calling me a liar..

    Those who know me in apoc will know I'm many things but I'm not a liar

    The ss were given THEN decision was made to strip him.

    Why would ZAFT break a cf otherwise with so many valid targets.

    I suggest you choose your words carefully around me.
  9. Because apparently Zaft are bullies. Remember! 
  10. Eragon, that's an awful lot of effort for defiant to come on here just to sing us a bs story, for one thing, he doesn't even come into forums and post except for the one time that he refuted sarc on another thread and also said that he would in fact post the ss showing the proof that sarc is fos.

    Personally, I respect the fact that both sides of this war have maintained a decent amount of respect towards each other with only a few bad eggs. Thanks for the proof defiant, I believed you in the first place tbh. Respect! Now lets keep this battle where it belongs.
  11. :lol: :lol: this has made my day :lol: :lol:
  12. Very well put. Seems Sar needs to tell his side now.
  13. @ defiant

    Hope you don't mind, but I copied this and posted it on my thread as well.
  14. It's a war game what do they expect
  15. Embarrassing. :eek:
  16. Lol can eargon be stuck up sarcbatt's butt any farther?
  17. More importantly, WHY ARE YOU IN FORUMS?!?!