The True Value of your Haunt Hit

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. When you hit haunting, multiply the total by 1.6. This is what your actual hit is worth because 60% of it shows up in the bonus.

    I make 18.3 mil on my first hit. But in reality, it's 29.3 mil. This is what how I compare haunt hits against PvP hits.
  2. How interesting, but how can you be sure?
  3. this was 4 spots down the list on active topics. no need to bump.
  4. Plot twist: your last hit makes less plunder and reward money than your first
  5. @Harvesters - I've done a lot of testing. With few exceptions, I know the bonus factors for each EB. For haunt it's 1.6
  6. @unicornpoopcookie, now reply to emperor please
  7. What about assassinations/steals etc.
  8. @emprorjoel - as we all know your plunder decreases with your troops. Your allies bonus remains constant. However that 1.6 applies to the TOTAL for each hit.
  9. I know unicorn.. it's that also reward money for your first hit is way higher than your last. Easiest way to test this is to assas on haunt with full & almost empty troops ( on diffirent haunts ofcourse).
  10. @Shadow - the same applies for STEALS. As for assassinations and scouts, what you make isn't readily apparent. Best way to find out is to do just one assassinate on Haunt and see what you make. However it DOES indeed depend on your spy build. That's why hansel builds can make a lot. They can unload their troops and skim with spies. You would be surprised at what that first assassinate value is. It also drops in value, like plunder does when using troops. So last assassinates are worth much less than first assassinates
  11. Nice thinking OP
  12. So what do u get for pots?
  13. @haus The pots you use do NOT contribute to your bonus except on the item phase of an eb. Then it varies with the eb and the percent damage you do to the item phase.