the time has come

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Skyj1LSA, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. The young man walks down the street during a full winter night. He sees the plaque for the historical heros of his people. He stops before the one of David and Goliath and hopes one day he too can be remembered for such heroics. Years later. The commander of the fallen red monkeys forced cannot help but remember this time as he listens to the orders of his master. The time for him to fulfill his destiny has come.
    But this time. Unlike his hero. "David" is not alone. He is working against an enemy who fights on two fronts. Against the other giant of the day. Much like if the Chinese had fought the Persians while David fought Goliath for the Jews. This time. The fall of the beast shall be complete

    (Orders provided below)
    The time has come. The orders of the fallen monkey are clear. We must avenge the grievances caused by the garage of monsters. The few servants of the fallen monkey left in the above world are gathering. Will you be one for the fallen monkeys. Or do you serve the large, seemingly powerful thinking monkeys. Their servents pay their dues. They lack the former strength of their past days and they are down to the smallest amount of their true warriors in their history. We, the few left will avenge the wrongs done to us in the past. Now we must go see the order of our master

    "You few will do as I command. The large monsters hide in their garage. You must pull them out and drag them down. You will serve me well. Until this ends. You must postpone you're teachings. You will learn many things and prove my power once more. The results are uncertain. The enemies are strong and many. Yet you will achieve our goals this day."

    The time has come. Tryouts is going to war. We will postpone all teachings while we do this. We are tired of the grievances caused by those who believe themselves to be our betters. Today we go to war with monster garage. We do not expect to win. Yet we will fight anyway. We understand we may be forced against the rest of apoc. We are also ready for this. We may fight from in clan or out as we see fit. I apologize to the members of MG and APOC like A1 who are always respectful and try to do their best to lead their families. Yet your members have disrespected or interfered with our wars for the last time.

    Before anyone says were jumping on the bandwagon. We are not zaft. Or zaft Alts. We are fighting for our own reasons. We would do this at any time. We have sent away all of our members who don't need to be here.

    We will prove today that we are not a joke. Our goal is to end the disrespect we have recived and to prove our methods worthy. We believe after the war that any clan involved still deserves equal treatment so if they wish they may still use us as a training clan. We encourage it. To those who are with us yet can't be involved. You are welcome to contact me in order to help out. We may or may not involve you.

    Before anyone says there's only 3 of you. There isn't. But only 3 of us feel the need to sit at the clan. Before you say we're only wasting MG's time. That's the point. We hope to be enough of an annoyance that they will recognize the flaws of their ways and change

    The time has come. Will you serve the Goliath of our day. Or will you join David in his quest. The answer may well decide the fate of the kingdoms as we know it. For today. The kingdoms go to war once more and the fate of an empire is decided

    Tldr: tryouts is going to war with monster garage

    *i apologize for any grammar errors or errors made. This is meant to be an amusing way to declare war and as such may not be entirely factual in how things happen. We're going to war over respect issues. And with the hopes of proving ourselves once more**enjoy*

    Yes this is another war thread on this war. But it's to prevent some uninvolved alt from posting a 2 line thread on us joining. Yes we are hitting. (No reported fails yet on our steals). We decided to verify our involvement this way
  2. Interesting...
  3. Was that a bible quote? If so isn't that a bit... Blasphemous to say your war on a iPhone game is akin to David and Goliath? (I don't know the story of David and goliath so forgive me if I'm wrong.)
  4. This is intriguing...

    *pulls out the popcorn and grabs a seat*
  5. David and Goliath is a very old and well known story passed down in Jewish families for thousands of years. Until the bible came out no one would consider it a bible quote and as such I do not. I used it to make the story relatable to the 4 billion people in the world who are either Jewish Muslim or Christian. And it's probably known by many others simply because of its fame. I don't see how it's blasphemous
  6. Forgot one thing

    This war has nothing to do with LSA. I'm working outside of LSA for it and they have no relation to it. I don't want any wall posts saying "so LSA is blah blah blah". Their not involved
  7. Wow... So there is now two clans who have jumped in on Apocalypse clans claiming " personal reasons only hitting this clan or that clan." Not saying that you dont have your reasons, just seems a bit odd.... That being said. Enjoy hitting a clan that is already at war with Zaft. Not sure how you will be able to claim any type of victory on your behalf personally considering the incoming and outgoing actions vs zaft as it is.

    That being said,

    If you have personal reasons and are truly not influenced by Zaft requests, if any have come, good luck. I do however find it a bit saddening to see so many clans hitting those already involved in a VERY large osw with strips flying and people fleeing already.

  8. If they were so worried about their current osw they would not have caused problems with us. I'm not claiming zaft isn't doing its job I'm claiming monster garage has no care about being jumped

    Any time someone disrespects me or my friends I hit them as soon as I'm free. Without care for any position or who their with unless its other friends I'd be fighting. In this case I happened to be in a war when they were disrespectful. Not one incident but 4 led to me deciding as soon as I'm free we'd go to war. However I did let my guys have a few ebs (I belive 3 that I didn't ff right away maybe 4or 5) before we did it while I wrote the thread bits at a time

    If zaft wasn't warring Apoc I'd still do it. If everyone in kaw was warring apoc I'd do it. If apoc was at war with others I dislike I'd still do it So here we are. It is true zaft is fighting apoc. It is true I will never claim victory. But if you'd read it all you'd know I don't want to. I want to prove a point. A point that no one should disrespect anyone they can't afford to fight or at least anyone who can fight back. I also want to prove that while we may not win. We don't take **** from anyone
  9. To show some perspective. During the wars or clases we've run from here. Many clans have tried getting involved. Out of all of them most are either neutrally respectful or respectful. This includes zaft. When a zaft member was asking about us they were respectful even though we were striping his friends. At the end he wished our clan good luck and did not threaten us for farming his friends. A apoc member of another clan was similar. However without the good luck. A MG member even threw hits our way. While in his war. He was not opposed to threats. 2 others also interfered seperatly and were no more respectful. Coming from an "LB war clan" I expected better.

    This is why were at war. No requests. No payments. No bandwaggioning
  10. Good luck your gonna need it.

    I like apo so I'm quite curious to see how badly this ends for you guys.
  11. *inserts Michael Jackson gif of him eating popcorn*
  12. Cuddle

    I already get stupid wall posts lol. Who knows the Barbie theme song
  13. I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world!

    It's fantastic, because I'm plastic. ;)
  14. You can brush my hair, undress me ANYWHERE!