The temptation to merge with the hive mind is all consuming

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ObEsA_CaNtAvIt, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. This just dropped in a HTE...any clues as to what it is?
  2. Update: it drops 'Emerald Hornet'
  3. Update: I'm way too slow in reporting this
  4. Can you post a screen shot?
  5. more effort plz
  6. Thanks for your own exceptional input pat...however, as I said above, I was too slow in reporting this and therefore no further effort is required due to the advanced nature of at least two other posts.

    Great effort by yourself though. Thanks
  7. I bet some will complain again 
  8. sounds like another ****ing hunt
  9. Of course, this game is called kingdoms of complainers right? I mean that's why I play, so I can complain about everything
  10. [​IMG]

    Does not show in history for android
  11. I thought it was kingdoms of Hunts
  12. you were slow at reporting

    i was slow at trolling

    we are one and the same
  13. Really? We are one and the same?

    I don't think so.