The tale of an Echo Chapter1 Glitter blue, and ripples of light, flickering off the hull of a nations most powerful war galley, The Echo. The sounds of a man hulking commands amongst a weather seasoned group of sailers. His name is Esnotue, in old tongue the name means Echo...A ship built in his honor, and rightly so. Built from the remains of others, repaired from the guts of defeated enemy brigands and transporters. The only leader left, the only one that lead his soldiers to victory. His destination, The father land. At war for two years, at sea for three, their journey nearly at it's end. The men on deck are full of anticipation, anticipation for home. For their wives...their kids. Two have yet to see their Childs face for the first time, as they left while their wives were still in term. The sea sloshes at the ships hull, with innocent licks and knocks. The air crisp with salt and dew. A sailer dubbed Shifter harks out a comment to Cpt. Esno, "I've got'a take a piss Cap'm!" Esno nods and relieves the man as another takes his position in his sted. He lumbers to the port side and fumbles with his britches, nearly urinating his self. " tha's a fine bit o'heaven right their!" as he leans over the edge of the ship as to not get a single drop on Echo's hull, their pride and trophy. The true trophy...the head of the enemy general dangling from the bow's mass...blistered and rotten in the suns embrace. Shifter grasping the ropes to keep his balance, gives it a good shake or two, and glances at the sea's surface...Darker then normal...moving? Leaning down he peers past the sea foam and see's what looks like...a row of tea cups? Sticking to the hull beneath the waters crest....the ship shifts to the port sofly...the men barely notice...Esnotue does... Shifter whispers, "what in Odin's name?". Suddenly the ship jerk hard port, the men lose their balance and stumble to the rails. Shifter looses his grip and plunges into the water. "Man over board!" Esno yell's.....
Chapter2 The men scatter in uniform about the ships deck, as one known as Moose heaves a rope to the overboard sailor, desperate to save his brother in arms. Shifter reaches for the rope, but it's too far to grasp. "Shifter!" Moose yells as the ship moves farther away. Shifter swimming hard in a feeble attempt to keep up with the ships great speed. With a great blast of water a massive tentacle jets out of the sea and smashes into Echo's hull. "All hands! To Arms!!" Esnotue commands. Like a well oiled machine the men grab swords within the belly of the ship, A master swordsman dubbed Jusit tosses out bows and longswords to the men in back. One named shadow-fax pulls out his sash of daggers with a bloody grin..."Let's have seafood tonight!" the sound of steel sliding from leather echo across the air as Esnotue pulls Ragnarok from it's sheath..The legendary sword of KaW... "Attack!!" Esno yells. The men yell and push towards the massive tentacle, Wrathbane striking the first blow with his great battle axe. The men hack and slash at the meat of the beast as layers of flesh is stripped away. Esnotue leaps from the helm and swings across the bow as he lands next to Maijin, the crews best archer. Esno walks through his precise shots as volley after volley skim past Esnotues ears and neck...With a sudden downward swipe of Ragnarok the tentacle is mortally wounded and slides from the deck, back into the depths...
Chapter3 The men covered in slime and blood hark in victory as the great sea creature is defeated. "Tha's how yu' slay a fishy beast!" Wrathbane yells. "Aye! You'd think it would'f seen the head of General Newb dangl'n from ar' bow? Hahaha", Cooldragondude says with a hearty laugh. "...Shifter"...Moose says softly...."Shifter!!!" Maijin repeats..."About side!! Bring the ship around!" Esnotue yells at the First mate Jusit. "Ay'i" he replys. The men still breathing heavy Jusit begins to turn the ship and heads back for Shifter who's been watching the bloody battle from afar. "Hey! Hey! Your not dead!!" He screams treading water. "Shifter!" Moose screams again...."You stupid yell'a belly! You missed all the fight'n!" Moose laughs. The ship pulls closer as the men gather the rope. (CRASH!) The ship stops dead in the water...A grumble comes up deep from under the water....The water ripples and resonates into the chests of the soldiers... Shifter thrashing in the water trying to see below him, "It's not over!!" Esnotue yells. With another blast, more tentacles shoot from the water, quickly followed by Maijins deadly arrows. Before Esnotue could give the command the men attack with a bloodlust scream. A tentacle swipes across the deck smashing and scrapping four noobs against the helm, tossing them out to sea. Guy99 comes out from below deck with a bottle of rum..."Wha's all the noise for?!" ...seeing the tentacles he belches..."Oh..." picking up a sword from a dead noob..."Don't think you'll need this..." He joins the Attack..with rum in hand.
Chapter4 Out comes a bloody scream as neon the ships cook severs a tentacle in half with his clevers. as a tentacle blasts through the rails of the ship and snatches him by the waist and rips him out to sea. Moose a item master quickly pulls the scroll of "Rain of Fire" and casts it on the tentacles still in the water, flames conjure from the sky and streak through the air like shooting stars, ripping through it's flesh, leaving it riddled with scorched holes as they slump lifelessly into the water. More and more waves of tentacles keep shooting out to replace the ones that die, in an endless army of fleshy dagger tipped suction cups. Esnotue slicing limbs away and severing them from the beast moves to another, and doesn't see a tentacle about to take his head. Maijin dealing deadly blows one after another releases a shot and stops the tentacle from beheading Esno, but is struck in the back, the razor suction cups rip into his body and pull him off the ship. "Maijin!" Esno yells. With a last gasp of air, "Not..that...easy..." Maijin says as he unloads multiple shots and cuts the tentacle in half...but not before he blinks for the last time... "Fight! Fight for your brothers!!" Esnotue screams! Calling upon the power of the Mythical sword Ragnarok he slashes at the air and kills three more tentacles. More and more flood the ships deck as Moose casts item after item...only to receive a fatal blow to his chest...a tentacle rips the flesh off his bones. "" he whispers... Esnotue seeing his brothers die pulls a bottle from his side and drinks the Elixer of Rage. His body becomes bigger and stronger pulling at his clothes, his voice deepens and his eyes turn Black and Red. "You will die with me!!!"....
Chapter 5 Esno's armored boots slamming at the deck he storms toward the biggest of the tentacles, his mouth foams and his eyes cry blood. "DIE!!!" He jumps into the water with a deep breath and drives Ragnarok into the thickest part of the tentacle. It whips at the pain and pulls him deeper..closer to the beasts head. the beasts heart. Thrashing around the creature pulls Esnotue towards it's mouth, "Yes" he thinks to himself... "DO IT!!" The tentacle flicks him off as the beasts beak snatches him by the leg.."ahhh" he gurrgles in pain. Taking hold of the beak he thrusts Ragnarok deep into it's mouth as it bites down...and biting the leg from Esno...The sudden rush of blood leaving his body makes him he drifts away from the beast. The tentacles still aboard the ship wrench at the pain of Ragnarok, and tighten around The Echo, the sound of wood snapping and beams shattering...the sound of Echo's pain...snapping her in half. Water gushes into the ship, what soldiers are left get pinned between the halves and crushed..screams and howls of men in their last moments fill the air..the Echo and her crew are dead. The mighty Ragnarok lost... The ship finally sinks away into history, leaving white surf twerling in the sea. And then silence.....the only sound left, is that of Shifter...floating in the expanses of the ocean...alone... You failed to complete the Epic Battle in time...please try again..
ur such a dork n I loved it... Such suspense! But u kno if u had a woman on board (ehem ehem) u woulda had a better chance!
Haha, uber geek. Lol. But yeah. I hurt my back again yesterday so couldn't sleep till 7AM, was bored as hell and started reading some of the EB intro's. Decided, hey, why not do one that has an Epic fail, lol.
That was a cool story , I think u should write a book especially about the people who shop at walmart lol but really I loved kept me wondering good job!! Hope ur back gets better xoxo