The Tale of a Noob

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Dosbur, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. This is a cautionary tale spoken from first hand experience. Choose your foe's wisely and, don't let your temper best you into something dumb I.e. Farming someone you meet in a pal group.

    If you do happen to farm like a trolling oaf (not an open attack farm) Don't call your adversary uncalled for names especially if they are female.

    For if you do these things chances are your news feed will be clogged up for at least a week, wins or losses it's still obnoxious to have someone coming at you night and day.

    If you manage to avoid these things then you can safely say you're not going to end up a noob like me.
  2. I don't get it. Put it on kindergarten terms.
  3. Como? Hablo ingles. Espanõl no sí
  4. No habla englesheh
  5.  win for muma 
  6. Lol I get it :lol:
  7. lol....noob :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. was the female in the story 

    Muma bbb 
  9. WOW. lews long time no see. Where on this thread is muma..? anyways, what exactly was this thread about??? :/
  10. Lol muma is the reason the thread was made  i was farming him and told him reset or make a forum calling himself a noob and tada 

    Hey roxz  your my bbb
  11. It was something that happened in pal gerp i'll explain later if you wanna know 
  12. Hold heart. Como te llamas
  13. Omg roxz is active?
  14. Strategy? Are you stupid?
  15. Haha, I thought it was ironic to put it here since it would give more to the Noobness of it 
  16. I'm active 

    Who's you?