The Stupidest Things Said in OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. OSW is a strange beast, with lots of strange, bizarre comments said by both noobs and vets on both side of the fence. In fact there are a few moronic comments that I see said time and time again that I thought I would make a thread to point out the illogic of them.

    1. The “I-Was-Just-Hitting-Off-The-Battlelist” Moron

    It amazes me how many idiots out there think they should get some kind of free pass because they use the battlelist. The BL is a dinosaur from 2009, a time when there was no EB’s, pwars, or even clan OSFs. If you are using it to make money, you are an idiot. Today the BL serves only one purpose: to randomly stir up trouble. In spite of this fact, you get these idiots who break cf agreements using the BL as an excuse. If you are too lazy or stupid to know which clans your are at cf with, you probably deserved to be stripped. Also if you are clan owner who actively promotes or turns a blind eye battlelist hitting, you shouldn’t start whining if your clan is whittled down to a few ally-less builds. If you want to stir up crap and hit off the BL, be my guest, just don’t whine about consequences that follow.

    2 The “He-Refused-To-1V1-With-Me” Moron

    Let’s see I spent the last 2 1/2 years growing my clan with faithful, devoted kingdoms just so some idiot could challenge me to a one on one? Not happening little noob.

    What you don’t understand is that my clan and my alliances are part of my build. It is something I worked hard and developing so I can wield at my judgment. I am not an idiot like Hector who foolishly leaves the safety of his walled city just because some silly little Greek is yelling at him. These “I challenge you to a one on one” are strictly the stuff of movies, not real life, as it should be. It is not my problem I got clanmates to back me up and you do not, so stop trying to take the moral high ground when I use three of my hansel alts and a few clannies to pin you for a few days.

    3. The “They-Are-Being-Used-As-Meatshields” Moron

    This is similar to the 1V1 moron. Hey, if Laoda is savvy enough to convince thousands of builds to take hits for something he did, that is something that should be admired, not scorned. If you are so concerned about Laoda’s meatshields, then why don’t you get your clan organized, raise some money, and actually try to strip the guy? I would respect you more for even trying to do so, instead of crying about his meatshields.

    4. The “But-He-Was-Not-Really-A-Member-Of-That-Clan” Moron.

    This is a tactic we often see belle use or used against Yafi members wandering around KaW. Just look at the facts. Is he in the clan now? Yes! Does the clan owner say he is a member? Yes! Then, guess what? He IS a clan member. Who cares where he was a day/week/six months ago. Deal with the here and now.

    Well, there is my little OSW rant. Hope you enjoyed this thread enough to troll it to bit. Take care all and have a great day.
  2. Let the constructive criticism begin.
  3. I think I like the battle list guy and the 1v1 
  4. #1
    So true lmao

    Nice read Phil
  5. So philosopher hates pvp?
  6. Not accepting a 1v1 is ok so long as you have a reason. If you are lazy or don't wanna lose a few billion, that's pathetic. It's even worse when you cry to your clan to help you. It's a bit sad, and I don't respect anyone who does that in the least. Have some self respect.
  7. Phil with another rage thread. At least it isn't half ass "reporting".

  8. I don't hate it. If two little small builds want to go at it, be my guest. However one should not start crying foul if his opponent has developed better clan relations than he did.

    As for me, it is laughable to think my hitter will not use his hansel alts to protect him when needed. Why did I bother to spend all that time and cash on them in the first place?

  9. lol Not really raging. Just pointing out illogical statements I see time and again in OSW. If you want better reporting, go subscribe to TIME magazine. You won't find anything better in the forums.
  10. "That wasn't my Bank!"
  11. I don't know Phil. That Stihl dude had a good story. A few holes yes, but u had 2 times as many holes.
  12. Glad to see your back phil, was it scary in bellamortes dungeon... I hear swabia went there and never returned
  14. My personal fav is the

    "I thought you were inactive. Sorry."

    As if sorry makes all the gold taken magically reappear back in the victims pocket lol.
  15. "I banked all of it"
  16. "I'm a real reporter on a game app!"
  17. ^is that even osw related in any way?
  18. More relevant than a statless alt in OSW
  19. Philo is back
  20. Good enough point, though I hope it's not directed towards me