Some of the story about possibly the most hated pope boniface in 1302 he enslaved the entire human population, because the condition of the child follows the mother, - Thomas Aquinas suma theologica Everything that comes from mother is a child - Born alive - being the product of conception after complete expulsion or extraction from mother irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, which breathes or shows any other evidence of life such as the beating of the heart or pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Each product of such birth is considered live born and fully recognized as a human person. Blacks law dictionary 5th edition, page 167 Unum sanctum 1302 ... 8-unam.asp For with truth as our witness, it belongs to spiritual power to establish the terrestrial power and to pass judgement if it has not been good. Thus is accomplished the prophecy of Jeremias concerning the Church and the ecclesiastical power: 'Behold to-day I have placed you over nations, and over kingdoms' and the rest. Therefore, if the terrestrial power err, it will be judged by the spiritual power; but if a minor spiritual power err, it will be judged by a superior spiritual power; but if the highest power of all err, it can be judged only by God, and not by man, according to the testimony of the Apostle: 'The spiritual man judgeth of all things and he himself is judged by no man' [1 Cor 2:15]. This authority, however, (though it has been given to man and is exercised by man), is not human but rather divine, granted to Peter by a divine word and reaffirmed to him (Peter) and his successors by the One Whom Peter confessed, the Lord saying to Peter himself, 'Whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound also in Heaven' etc., [Mt 16:19]. Therefore whoever resists this power thus ordained by God, resists the ordinance of God [Rom 13:2], unless he invent like Manicheus two beginnings, which is false and judged by us heretical, since according to the testimony of Moses, it is not in the beginnings but in the beginning that God created heaven and earth [Gen 1:1]. Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff. "since according to the testimony of Moses, it is not in the beginnings but in the beginning that God created heaven and earth [Gen 1:1]" So if each product of mother be recognized as a human child, that seems to be 2 beginnings, each of us having a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth, and "the spirit filled man can not be judged ,[1 Cor 2:15]" yet the human creature is subject to the pontiff, so what is happening in these courts all across the country? Is the after birth material born alive and thru the laws of salvage given salvation thru the church? Let's see what we can find on salvation. Cestui que vie act 1666 ... 1/contents Cestui que vie remaining beyond Sea for Seven Years together and no Proof of their Lives, Judge in Action to direct a Verdict as though Cestui que vie were dead. If the supposed dead Man prove to be alive, then the Title is revested. Action for mean Profits with Interest. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=181726 The now famous above quote by Colonel Edward Mandel House, seemed to outline the mother pledging (pawning) biological property designed to make the people servants, could it be the born alive byproduct, the afterbirth material that becomes dead or lost at sea which is then given salvation or salvage by the church to be the subject to the pontiff as a human creature, the only entity on earth that has eternal life is a corporation or a trust, and that's the only promise made by "religion", on another note the afterbirth contains no DNA of the father, it's entirely of mitochondrial DNA passing mother to mother, it's that the second coming? Immaculate conception (perfect idea), could original sin be using this birth certificate legal person created by the state?, (Acts 10:34) "Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:" Person - in general usage, a human being, though by statute the term may include a firm, labor organization, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers. Blacks law dictionary 5th edition page 1028 In Roman times person was the mask worn by actors in a play or act, "all the world is a stage" "A rose by any other name is still as sweet" a rose is of the family of the apple tree, (the fruit of knowledge) a rose represents a bloodline, so Adam and Eve eat the fruit (or consume knowledge) after being tempted by the devil, then the first thing do, they cover their bodies, did they wear the mask or persona created by the state or the devil? To then be cast out from the garden? Do we commit original sin everyday? Capitus Diminutio maxima - It is defined (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE) - The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all human rights and all family rights. What are some things in your life that you find are styled in all capital letters? How many beginnings do you have? Are you lost at sea? How do you prove life when no man acting as a judge can hear you? Are you a subject of the pope or any other man? Do we commit original sin everyday we wear the mask of a dead legal person? What profits and interest are gained by proving life? How could you prove life on paper? Why do all judges wear a "mourning robe"? Are all courts probate courts? Before you trolls start on me like on my other threads, I am showing information from religious and legal sources and comparing them together and then asking questions, and the comments like "oh that's seven hundred years ago it don't count today" let me just say the Bible is the only book in every court room today. "Let he who would be deceived be deceived" - bouviers law dictionary 1856
1. The bible is NOT in EVERY courtroom today. 2. You don't swear on the bible unless you follow a biblical religion. 3. The bible has not been proven as fact and therefor cannot be used as it. 4. It was SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS AGO!!!! (They still thought the earth was flat then, like you would fall off if you reached the horizon) 5. You make _some_ ok arguments, but your presentation is appalling. You need to structure your sentences and quotes far better because to be honest, it hurts to read it.
1. Yes there is a Bible in every court room, it is a law book. 2. True, but they will and do provide a Bible. 3. The Bible does not need to be proven, it is the one who claims there is no God to bear the burden of proving that. 4. Yes, the humans enslaving you (t.h.e.y.) have been planning for a long time. 5. No one is forcing you
Ouch. Rekt. Rip. 911. Call ze emergency services. Rio got burnt O.O Roi. Stop. Just put down your device, walk away and give ya head a wobble.
Please. Go and live on an island by yourself if you hate being enslaved so much. I love my life in chains. And I'm not going to argue over some silly thing that dead people did every time I look at forums
So your saying that since the founding fathers are dead, the Declaration of independence, the Bill of rights, the Constitution are void pieces of paper? That the laws, and statutes don't apply to you? Because all that happened long time ago before any of us were born.
Well, again your legal aspects are wrong. There is not a bible in every courtroom. I've been in many that had no religious books (bible or otherwise) specifically because the judge or the county clerks' office determined that they did not want them there.
Because you don't see it don't mean it's not there, on the judges desk, on the witness stand, it could be anywhere, that's not the subject of the thread, stay on topic, yes there are 2 quotes from the Bible, the subject of the thread is papal bull, suma theologica, unum sanctum written by the pope, and using definitions from Blacks law dictionary 5th edition, whether or not there is a Bible in every courtroom is only the last sentence, read the post before you comment
Cmon now, it's obvious that aliens created the universe and left some daft book to convince everyone that there is some 'God' and keep us subservient. Don't like that? Go prove its not true, until you do prove its not true (according to your own words) then that is a fact. On a different note... Look, I understand what you're trying to say, but the facts are that because laws, statutes and constitutions are old and haven't been repealed does NOT mean they're still applicable in a modern court of law.
In not saying there is a God, I'm not saying there is not. I'm showing prima facie evidence that pope boniface claimed that everyone is a slave to the pope, and followed the trail into modern times that upholds his claim, one day you will understand there are no churches they are 501c3 corporations and are in no way religious, I can continue to show more and more evidence proving this is NO theory of mine this is historical facts, and people need to see this stuff, I'm with you man, I'm not a party to any of this, NONE of it has my signature, but you know they say our knowledge is our power, and we have to see their weapons if we are going to counter and rebut or reject these ridiculous claims, see by showing this to the pope or others they are forced to reject it, once they reject it, that's evidence we can use to void this stuff out on the record, they think they own the world and legally they do because no one objected, of course it's all fraud but when this kind of information is buried or covered up we don't know what is going on, or what we can do about it, maybe I should go into the steps we can take to void all this stuff legally, I might do that I can not give legal advice No one ever intended us to be a free and independent people, it's the bar attorneys that are enforcing all this historical crap on us, look how many public offices they are holding, every single one of them, we have more attorneys then any other country on the planet, Just look at the people running for office lol the only thing Trump has going for him is he's not a bar attorney but I know he hired enough to learn a few tricks, Hillary killed more people then most serial killers We the people need to wake up and do something, I'm trying to do my part and raise awareness to some of these issues, get a clue or get out of the way lol not trying to be rude but come on
Responding to your number 1 comment "The Bible is a law book" Unfortunatly i have to disagree with you there. With all intent to explain why, And if you'll indulge me, i'll begin The Magna Carta is a fundamental document created in England in 1215 as the first "Rule By Law". The foundation to any democratic societies continuation of basic law. A framework for order and peace fashioned by and from the people, upon which contemporary laws are made and rest and which is innate and inalienable. Before this, it was the rule of faith that dictated the obligations of the people to obay their religion, their country, their King, and the laws made by the Faith. Disobedience was met with execution or imprisonment. Essentially the introduction of the Magna Carta was the first 'True Law' established by the people, outlining that primarily every free man has an inherent individual right to his life, liberty, property and citizenship. Their individual rights must always yield to the necessities of the general welfare at the will of the State, though the law of the land is the only mode by which the State can so declare its will. It limits sovereign powers, and holds all accountable to the Rule of Law, no matter their stature or influence in the community. It gives freedom from religious ideology & rhedoric religious persecution Also just FYI; 'Habeas Corpus' is a product of the Magna Carta of sorts. (This also does not take into account religious beliefs or faiths held by the majority or governing body) It gave the individual a right to be judged fairly by peers & puts onus on the prosecutor to prove the justifiable and lawful reasoning for detaining or incarcerating an individual, and must do so as soon as is possible in order to preserve justice and the unlawful suppression of an individuals constitutional right to freedom, liberty, rights to a fair trial and handed a just & fair verdict proportionate to the offence commited. In 1st world countries, the bible is not used to rationalise the implementation of new laws, legislations or statutes based on a belief that it somehow remains relevant or has place in a democratic societies fundimental laws? It doesnt. The bible is an ancient & archaic form of "law & justice" if even that can be said. Being a dominate faith does not dissuade from the fact that its one of the oldest, most profitable & least productive industries in history, but somehow still acknowledged as a truth & a law unto itself? Going by that logic, we should still believe the earth is square as it was accepted as common knowledge for centuries. Illogical rationalisation is still illogical no matter how you spin it. (Thanks to Christians of 391 BC and Emperor Theodosius decree to outlaw pagan practices, they contributed to the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, effectively putting a world changing discovery by Greek philosophers back about a 1000 or more years. Although this is debatable.) Although most laws in developed countries today were implimented years ago based on religious views or beliefs of the majority at that time. For example; * inequality such as using the "sanctity of marriage" as an excuse to discriminate & deny decent tax paying citizens right to participate in an institution that declares their love and devotion to their partner. * Excluding persons from civil services based on their skin colour or social status. * Vilifying a group of people based on actions from extremists claiming to be of the same religion. Those immoral and unjust laws are slowly being eradicated by a society that identifies arbitrary legislations such as these, and makes a concious decision to remove aformentioned legislations that are morally reprehensible & irrelevant in todays times. To succeed, a morally & ethically just & free society must be devoid of all religious mantra intent on inhibiting the freedom or basic constitutional rights of its people; To try and gain compliance and fealty to the Faith by fear of excommunication or possibly death if one disobeys or questions the governing bodies actions, intentions or authority in any way, is corrupt in nature & deserves no adoration or praise for simply existing this long. since Christianity's inception into Europe in 361BC by Constantine and his followers, (Namely collecting and burning all other versions of the Bible to solidify only one version and rid doubt or proof of its fairytale beginnings) It has systematically executed its own followers and those of countless countryman and perceived enemies of the faith over the thousands of years of its existance, suppressing millions of people of their rights as a human being, without any lawful reasoning or any justifiable means other than religious text set down in the bible. Its meanings twisted to interpret the Will of an individuals own selfish wants; To use the Churchs constituents and believers to impose their will on others with tyrannical like force to benifit the Church and its CEO's. Simply because a religious text says something is evil, or a certain actions are punishable by death, or the colour of an individuals skin determines their role in society, is, and never will be justifiable, ethically moral or logically rational grounds to depriving individuals of their inherit right to a peaceful life, free of tyranny or corruption in all its forms. The "Rule by Law" overrides the bible in every sense, It was concieved & implimented by the common people of England in 1215 as a precedent to Religious law & made the Monarchy and the ruling powers (The church) accountable for their actions. The people had demanded to be governed, not ruled. It was the first step to breaking away from religious doctrines defining 'right & wrong' for our society. The idea being that no one was above the rule of law, not even Kings or Popes. People did not have to fear having their freedom or liberties being unjustly threatened and themselves vilified by ones community or peers for disagreed views or different interpretations of the same faith. The Magna Carta was a precursor to a free & democratic society designed for the masses, benefiting the common folk and only the common folk. It happens to be one of the founding documents of Westminster law (English, American & Australian law) & the morally justifiable reasonings that the United States used to claim its independence from Briton. (Ch.61 - Lawful Rebellion.) In this Charter, it stipulates that no state or township shall be taxed without representation from its governing body (E.g. The King at that time) Since King George resided in England, the American people had a lawful right by 'rule of law' and justified in their actions to lawfully rebel against the King and his imposed unfounded & unjust taxation of the American people. Of course King George just sent Englands armies over the sea to crush the rebellion, and in doing so, breached his promise to the people to uphold the Rule by Law or "True Law". Basically showing the ppl of the Americas he had no desire to obay it & found himself to be above the law in all aspects. instead ruling by force, using tyranny to oppress the ppl & their inherit right to a democratically run & free society. Annnnnyway, im rambling now. So i'll digress. Rule by religion, or justice via an interpretation of a bible or faith, is no justice or true law by any means, And cannot be hoped to provide a democratic society with a fair, just and lawful judiciary system, or design any fundamental laws for todays society. I do hope you enjoyed the read I encourage you to debate the subject with me if you wish to discuss it further. My PM's are alway open to intellectually enlightening conversations from you lovely folk! Love to all! -Måđ
Thank you Rio although if you can pick something out of my post, please do so. I'm always happy to be critiqued by a fellow Kaw'er
No one is a slave you mop. People do things of their own free will. Stop with the ridiculous and disturbing threads.
how is it the burden of people that claim there is no God to prove there is no God. And God exists. Sure. Then he is an ass. Childhood cancer for just one reason why no one should have faith in something that allows innocent children to suffer and die needlessly. If you were God wouldn't you do something to stop the suffering of innocents? No. Then whether you exist or not no one would have faith in your ability to do the right thing. When it comes to politics and the law. Religion has no place. People should be judged and governed by what is right for society as a whole. Not what people believe is right because they read a fairy tale. As for the bill of rights. That should have been amended so many times. Do I respect outdated laws that no longer are relevant to a society with 270million plus people. No. Laws need to reflect society today. It is the job of government and the courts to ensure that laws are passed that protect the rights of people alive today. Not based on laws that reflected the needs of a nation hundreds of years ago that were never designed to deal with modern issues. And as has been shown many times. Your assumptions and facts are often far shortsighted or frankly wrong.
Isn't it obvious? It's all part of "His Plan" and all will be revealed in time! Seriously though... "I'm the new president of the United States, I'm going to destroy New York City with a nuclear bomb, but it's all part of my plan, and will be revealed in time, there is no need to worry". Can't imagine how that would go down well huh?
Yall misinterpret all the bad things in the world as "God's fault". The problem with the world is people. People by nauture are greedy/jealous,(i.e)they want what they cant have. Not gonna lecture you on the 7 mortal/deadly sins or w.e. but if you wanna know one reason why there is evil you may read that. Now this next thing may not be something that you like, but in old testament( i believe) if a serious crime against God was committed(say worshiping another god) the consequence affected 10-100 generations of that individual or society's decendants(This was when they had broke the ten commandments, which pre-jesus was a huge-huge deal.) However, Luckily for us, Jesus died for our sin. Yet, God has always been a just God, who does not,not enforce the consequences of actions. Why do children get cancer? I don't know. I do know that there are things called epigenetic marks which are organic methyl molecules which are prevelent even at a pre-natal state or age (in fetus). These epigenetic marks can either express a gene or not express it. Depending on the influences that a fetus recieves/nurture, these marks express either good genes or bad genes. If a child had parents that smoked, took any type of illegal drug, including marijuana, or consumed bad nutrition, the likely hood of these bad genes being expressed is much higher. As an infant, litle interaction,neglet/abuse or heavy consumption of bad food can also trigger these epigenetic marks to express bad genes, or not express the good genes at all. These epigenetic marks affeft us from in the womb to even as adults. You can thank Pyschology for this answer above Now, does every child who gets cancer have or have these illnesses get it from these bad experiences in pre-natal-infacy-young adolescene expeiences? No. Is the percentage much higher though? Certainly. Yes Im not sure (you may its kinda obvious) if you realize but even if you dont recognize God as existing, You can't deny the fact that there is good in the world, and there is evil in the world. Evil does not win in the end, but that doesn't mean Evil doesn't win any battles. People do heinous things all the time, such as kill someone for personal reasons or gain, sexually touch children, steal from innocent people; ect. Im sure you have experienced good in the world. The ability to overcome substantial odds, miraculous miracles, be at peace in stressful situations, experience/recieve help at your lowest of lows. Additionally, being able to overcome an addiction is something that is good(People kill over addictions). I dont know if i answered these questions, which are completely understandable but if not there is always the The Word ~ The Bible, which should shed light. Old Testament would be for setting/Overall picture of where we started and leads into the Reasons we Needed Jesus. New Testament is Post Jesus. If you actually read this far down the post, but dont wanna read the bible, You can Google Lecrae on Ted Talks or youtube or whatever. This guy is a practicing Christian who tries to shed light on some issues(He doesn't constitute as the bible but is a step in the right direction).Lecrae and his record label (116) Reach Records are composed of Hip Hop/Rap artists who happen to be Christian(They dont identity as Christians Hip-Hop artists because people see/hear that and 'Swipe left'/say no automatically). In all of the members of Reach Records songs, their trials and tribulations are discribed/ their experiences. An example is in Lecrae's song "The Good The Bad The Ugly (not necessarily meant for someone who doesn't know about god like others ares). This song is rather deep(talks about a mistake he made and resultes in having a girl get an abortion), and unlike some others songs of his, in that it isn't as catchy. If yall need something to get you our of a fog, Reach Records may be a solution(I am not promoting them, just stating their content is pretty good, and theres many songs to chose from. Just one could make a difference. ) Personlly Out of The 5 I like Andy Mineo the best because- bars. No other explanation needed. I lost the point to was tryna make typing this for so long. Tl:dr Dont Always blame god for things that he didn't cause. There is much evil in the world and many battles waged daily. You don't always win every battle. However, Good is victorious in the End. Reach Records offers Substantial Hip/Hop Rap content aside from mainstream rap/hip hop today, and there is even comparison between Andy Mineo+ Lecrae / Drake + Lil Wayne(Youtube radio show) You go decide. Peace Questions? Explain And to @x_x all the above The Edits have been to correct grammar and capitalize what needed Capitalization
Ok... Cancer is NOT caused by where you grow up, it can hit ANYONE at ANY time, it doesn't take society or genetics (completely) into account, people are not to blame for cancer and to suggest it is just pure idiocy. There is no such thing as a good or evil side, everyone can do "good" things and everyone can do "evil" things, it's not some war between 'higher' powers.