The story of the were wolf

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *akote (01), Oct 16, 2010.

  1. Chapter 1 a mans tell

    One day a man was on the road a wolf came and killed him the man turned into a werewolf . The next day he found his victim he tried to kill him he just couldn't do it no matter how hard the werewolf tried he didn't sucseed as he planned. A few days later he came upon the same person tried to do same thing but this time a sucseeded.
  2. Chapter 2 a werewolf to man?

    The present day he turned back into a human "what just happen". He said. At that moment he knew where he was. He was at a mountain called wolf mountain he was in a cave though surrounded by other werewolfs.
  3. This story is terrible I'm puncuation, sentence structer, literate, and basically everything else. But that's ok you're very young and writing is a good thing!
  4. Thank you and I wrote at school a story with over 300 words in it but really it was a s a
  5. I'm more of a artist not a story maker lol I'm not lying look [​IMG]