The story of the troll king (no comments)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LemonWithAHintOfAssClown, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Introdution: Usiris is the king of a troll kingdom near our kingdom. The king has sent his best four squadrons of soldiers and spies out to defeat this threat. This soldier (green squadron) has written this story about the battle

    Now to the story...
    Hello. I am one of the many soldiers headed off to fight the Northern Trolls in the mountains. We are all armed with the regular: 1 sword, 1 knife and 1 shield.

    We were struggling along the mountain pass, fighting off a few stray trolls when we heard a loud crash from above, followed by some screaming and then, silence. After that, i admit i was a little spooked but we kept on going.
    The scouts that had preceded us told off a Troll camp coming soon and, sure enough, was a group of Trolls roasting marshmallows in a fire. The were rather easy to destroy and there were only 36 casualties. We then stopped and ate the rest of the marshmallows and sent the scouts out to scout out the north and hopefuly, Usirises cave.

    We waited for days at the camp waiting for our scouts and when they came back, quite fewer that what we sent, about 516, they said that Usiris was in a cave about 2 days march due North-East. We started walking the next morning and 5 hours into the march, we stopped and had lunch. After that, we continued down the mountain pass to Usiris' cave.

    We made it to the cave two days later to find a female troll guarding the door. My squad stayed back with blue and red while Yellow fought and beat the troll. We were re-grouping to attack the troll king when two male trolls arrived. Yellow stayed back with blue while us (green) and red attacked. Red took cars of their troll but we couldn't beat ours. We fought and hacked for 2 hours before finally, Davis found a chink in its armour and brought it down. We regrouped at the cave entrance and prepared to attack.

    Blue was the most rested so they lead the attack with yellow, followed by red, and we came in last. The battle was already an progress and the blue squad was all but gone. Yellow was fighting up front when both us and red were called up to help. I remembered the guard troll outside had a weak spot in him armour so i ran in behing usiris to try. He saw me and swung his axe at me. I jumped but it clipped my one foot and i went flying, dropping my sword along the way. I got up and found that i was right. The back of his calf was completely unprotected. I grabbed my knife, ran up to him and stabbed him in the leg. Usiris screamed in pain and flung me accross the cave and i fell unconcious.

    I woke up next in a soft bed back at the kingdom. I asked the first person i found about the fate of Usiris. He told me that once Usiris fell over, his head was chopped off by Hamilton and broght home with us. I was so very happy that i leaped out of bed amd did a dance that hurt my head something awful. I walked out of the hospital and asked Hamilton who survived. He said there were 463 soldiers and 219 spies who came back from the assault. Davis died being chopped in half by the axe and red's leader died in the attack of the troll guard. We were both quite wounded but glad to have killed Usiris and freed the Kingdom.

    Thanks for reading

    [Size =200] THE END [/Size]
  2. Btw i know i failed at the end on making it say THE END
  3. Never use numbers. Use words.

    One shield. One knife. One sword.

    Only spies use knives :roll:

    Not troops.
  4. Oh wait... No comments.
  5. My soldiers are more advanced then yours.
  6. And i am a ****ing idiot cuz i didn't copy the story somewhere else.
  7. Find the I. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI
  8. Everyone can see this crap on the front page so stop bumping it.