The So-called Match-Making Sytem for EE Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -ALLEGRO-, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. I have been curious on how Devs use this so-called “match-making system” in doing match-ups for EE wars. Let us see how this common thread goes on every match-up: “All clans that got no match are shown in red in the list below. The list is sorted by relative strength ranking, BFA, BFE as well as CS. It's a rough estimate of where your clan's roster is in strength compared to other rosters that signed up.

    It is very discouraging for a clan to setup a roster on a scheduled war only to find out that you have been unfairly matched or given a no match at all. On top of the effort people divulge in making a good roster for war, many has devoted their time to be active in war on that schedule (setting aside appointments; chores; or whatever real life experiences they are in).

    Fair vs Unfair: How can you say a match is fair when your top roster cannot even hit enemy cr 8 or cr 6? I just don’t believe this match-making system is even checking BFA (take note: The list is sorted by relative strength ranking, BFA, BFE as well as CS). There is this they call “HIT RESTRICTIONS”. Basically, you cannot hit an opponent stronger or weaker than you. Let us give a common scenario: You try to hit cr 25 and says “you are too strong to hit this opponent” and then you realized cr 25 appeared in your newsfeed just dumped troops on you? How can you say this match is fair if that opponent can hit you and you can’t? I had encountered several happenings with this Hit Restrictions. I had given feedback and I have yet to get an answer. How can you say a match is fair if the lead is like more than 10 bil in the first 10-15 mins; and after another 15 mins lead is like 20 bil or more? If you were to be matched with your clan roster strength; surely your plunder would not be as behind. But there are a lot of factors that affect this (inexperienced players; unable to SKO; inactivity; slow connection; etc); so this might be put more on the neutral area of fair vs unfair.

    No Match: I just cannot simply accept the following reason why you get a mismatch: “Poor hit ratio with other clans in your stat range.” Or “All other clans in your stat range had already matched up, leaving only bad matches.” I see these statements very vague and do not give any information at all. I strongly suggest for devs to lay these information on the table for the clans.

    It is plausible that clans are able see why they had gotten a no match or was matched with this clan. This system the devs use should present significant numerical data calculations on how these match-ups were made. Again, going through this statement “The list is sorted by relative strength ranking, BFA, BFE as well as CS.” Devs should provide quantitative proof of the match-making algorithms including total BFE and CS and BFA. And yes; devs has said "The best way to get a match is to look at clans within 1 or 2 ranks above or below you. Look at their roster and try to build a roster that will be able to hit them." I am pretty sure most clans make spreadsheets of there rosters and the enemy rosters. But there is always something wrong with it. Scenarios include your clan CS has 2 mil advantage; but you do not know your enemy roster has top rosters that are Ally LBs. You cannot just simply say “a rough estimate.” That rough estimate should be made readily available for clans to check in my opinion.

    Well, I can only say… that we have yet to see what the devs are cooking...

    Have a blessed week ahead.
  2. Exposing their methods and algorithms and such is something I am certain ATA is not likely to do.

    The scrutiny they face here is equivalent to a firing range.

    I see your points, and would like to have a decent conversation about what methods are used, and what changes they can make (that they haven't already discussed with us).

    The issue here is the never-ending onslaught of whining and complaining. It's redundant.

    Nice thread, though. 
  3. Thanks Willy. Yes, the issue is a never-ending cycle... devs should definitely address this issue to put a stop on it. If they are unlikely to disclose there methods/algorithms... then I believe there is wrong with the system.
  4. Anyone else fill like the devs are blowing smoke about working to fix these issues? These same explanations and promises were being given 6 months ago when I left. I don't see anything that has really been changed other than roster size and going back and forth between dts/dtw and open hit roster
  5. About being hit by #25 or whatever.

    You either:

    1) banked gold you had in ally's
    2) he banked gold in ally's

    Nothing devs can do to fix this issue, you can conclude your hit ratio based on prewar scouts only.
  6. Great thread!!!

    i bow to u dear!!!

    i hope we get response.( which is impossible)
  7. Banners are more important .
  8. I would like to see s1 match making again, u warred either 1 above or 1 below u, strength should basically be even, but ppl still complained about that also, should be no hit ratios at all like back in a old sys war
  9. Hit ranges are necessary to keep wars somewhat "fair" or the largest clans would always win. There is PvP ranges in most successful games on the market today to keep things balanced.

    One of the biggest issues I am seeing is not on the devs part but on the players part. Players try so hard to manipulate the system by stacking LBers with a ton of SH with massive hit ranges, un-equip half of their equipment to keep their BFE down to get easier matches vs people that can't even tough the top of their war roster, etc.

    It's not all on the devs guys. Smaller war rosters would even things out a bit & make it easier to more fairly match clans (as they are already testing next week) & somehow factoring in players BFE whether they have their equipment on or not (someone suggested factoring in the piece of equipment you own with the highest bfe for each slot whether you have it equipped or not) would help.
  10. This will never get support but..

    Given wars in RL are never fair way expect them to be in any game ?

    Make match ups totally random,

    Alternatively build a league system and make seasons longer ... Everyone starts a season with random match , winners move to next league. War 2... League x random vs clans in same league ... Have a pre set number of leagues that are filled by week 'y' with x number of clans . For the rest of the season winners get promoted , losing go down a leafy per win or loss.

    The bottom league will always be open to limitless clans ... Thus enabling new clans and noobs to learn to war

    The nature of random match plus leagues should provide better matches both on roster and dare I say "experience and capability"
  11. I agree that the Developers will not release all of their behind-the-scenes calculations to the Community, nor should they. If roster-building will stay a staple of system wars however I would like to see a compromise where some war-strength factor is displayed on each Kingdom's Profile page for roster-builders to use in putting together their teams. Many of us do build spreadsheets and run numbers in the hours prior to each match and it is a lot of work. This wasted effort amplifies the frustration of not getting a match or getting a poor match by tenfold. Displaying some metric by Kingdom for us to use as a tally will take out much of the guess work and help the Community as a whole fine tune our rosters.

    Some Kingdoms as deceptively strong and others are surprisingly weak so without this metric at our disposal we really are flying blind. Say for example, the combined war-strength factor of my Clan was 500 at sign-up and we unfortunately drew no match. The two Clans around my Clan fielded teams with combined war-strength factors of 540 above mine and 460 below mine. This would tell us that we either need to add 40 points or remove 40 points from our roster for the next war. Utilizing this displayed war-strength factor we could easily tell which Kingdoms need to be added and removed to meet the threshold required for a match.

    There would still be Hit Ratio issue but this too can be resolved as we can then remove 50 points (for example) of Kingdom war-strength factor by removing a big Kingdom with a 40 war-strength factor and a small Kingdom with a 10 war-strength factor and swap in two mid-sized Kingdoms each with a war-strength factor of 25 instead. Mind you these numbers can be more precise percentages or what have you, basically the idea is to give us some manner of Kingdom-rating to help us make this current system work more smoothly.

    I realize too that not everyone will want this war-strength factor displayed for all to see so perhaps it can only appear in the Player's view to share with their roster-builders in-house and others of their choosing. This bit can be discussed, but hopefully we can get a tool like this to use in future war seasons. I think it will be a huge help to all participants.
  12. Major this isn't real life it's a game , games are supposed to have fair parameters in which anyone can have a chance to win.
  13. devs say make roster around the clans above or below you , we cannot do this from clan strengh due to all clans do not war and most clan have about 100 members from which only 25 war . so the clan above or below in clan strengh could have to totally different roster even know you 1 different on strength . come on devs wake up and do your job . so show us the math on cs bfe and bfa , we dont need a break down on each player but a overall
  14. Season 3 eq drop should be a skirt for all these whiny EE threads 
  15. No match=rage
    Match=rage if.lost
  16. Every day when I walk in to work there is a little old lady in the loby trying to get the wheel on the grocery cart to roll.
    They pull, they struggle and they complain. My boss and I always just do our work and if I happen to be walking by ill kick the wheel a few times and it will be fine for about 15feet before it gets stuck. But every time they drag the cart broken wheel and all. One day I finally asked my boss I said why don't one of us just fix the wheel? Like not just for today but replace it? My boss said, "cuz broken or not they will always drag it away. They never leave it there. If they will continue to use it even thought its not worth it, then I have no reason to spend the time and resources to fix it".

    stop signing up for EE. If no one signs up the dev have to revamp the system. They did with system wars. No one did system war. So they revamped it to ee. stop doing EE. And like magic dev will have a ton of time to work on it.

    Sorry for wall of text on phone and a bit to drunk to be foruming
  17. Major I've played probably a dozen different online war games in my life and all of them except maybe including this one had a fair and balanced pvp system that everyone in the game could enjoy equally. I don't know why kaw struggles so hard with it
  18. @ green, that was probably the best post I've seen on all these e war threads, well played and I agree 100%...everyone just stop using it