Siege of Quesliar,Courage of a Poor Girl. The year is 1267, in the small village of Brewerswick. A girls mother and father are injured as a battle rages on. The elders of Brewerswick are calling it 'The Siege of Quesliar', what do you think of it? Trust me, you don't want to express your opinion. All of the people who have are dead, marked down on a list and murdered in raids. That's how her mother and father were injured. They were risking their lives to save a little girl named Humility, who wouldn't keep her chatty mouth closed. An hour later and Humility and her family are dead. "What has she done to deserve THAT?!?!" she mutters angrily as she treats her Mother's wounds she received while she was trying to defend Humility. "Darling don't speak like that! They will just hurt you!" not wanting to die, she learns to shut her mouth over the next few years. Now it is 1278 and her family is dead. She lives on the streets and does anything she can for food. Until as she is on her daily walk and she hears the caller shout "Five old madame's slaughtered!" she takes action at once. She goes to every pub she can think of and announces,"I am going to help win the Siege! Who here be with me in my quest for free life?" People laugh at her. Call her names, but at the next raid....she KNOWS what to do. She sneaks onto the next wagon that goes to the war zone. She hides in a barrel. When the wagon stops, she sneaks off of the wagon. Where will she go? To the Training Course. That's the first thing that pops into her mind. There are plenty of other children here, except all of them are boys. But she had time to think while she was hiding in that barrel, "just wait until midnight..", she tells herself as the moon raises itself further into the sky. After what seems like millenniums, midnight is here. Everybody is asleep, or guarding the outside of the base. "This'll do.", she says as she picks up a pair of scissors she stole from a store back in her village. She cuts her hair to match every other boy's. She goes through vigorous training that lasts for two months, but finally it's time for her to go into battle. The first two weeks are simple. Until the other side sends reinforcements to attack the base. On the fifth night of defending the outside of the base, the walls that protect it...fall, crumble to the ground. She grabs her sword she earned and heads into battle, after killing two of the invaders, she is disarmed and cornered. "Mother, Father, Humility. I'm coming.", are her last words she speaks before the sword slashes her throat Shall I continue?