A feedback thread has been provided, please do not post on this thread! A link to the feedback thread has also been provided. Pretty soon, I will be posting the story. Prologue: 6th grade was and is a big year/school year for my friends and I. 6th grade is the grade in which you enter Middle School in the United States. For me, it's the year I rose on the social scale, although I was already high on it, and which I rose even higher on an academic level; I'm already in gifted classes so how smarter can someone get...unless of course, your a prodigy. But most importantly, it's the year I learned a valuable lesson: Every school and grade has a King. Some are there to bring change, others, to rule. I came to do both... ~~~ My brother Justin has told me everything there is to know about sixth grade, but he didn't prepare me for all the drama! My brother is Justin New; he's starting 8th grade this year and has been going to Grovetown Middle for the 6th and 7th grade and even went to Grovetown Elementary for grades Kindergarten-5th. He's a School King at our school. Basically, he's super popular. I plan to be a School King, too. He's the reason I started out at Grovetown Middle so popular. My name: JayD Meriweather Feedback Link: The Secret King: Feedback and Discussion