~The Scribe Association~ KaW

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. The Scribe association


    The Scribe Association was founded on November 1, 2014. Due to the deteriorating state of Fan Fiction in all of ATA's forums we stand to correct this problem.


    Our operations include, but, are not limited to:

    •Providing enjoyable reading material for the players.
    •Providing critique for up-and-coming writers.
    •Safeguarding the integrity of Fan Fiction.
    •Keeping record of old story threads.
    •Ensuring that the next generation is prepared.


    Since the association is ATA-Wide, it extends out to all of her games:

    Kingdoms at War:

    Sean893 - Kaw: The story
    Sasuke_Uchiha - Skelatal Onslaught
    -Xx_-AJ-_xX- - TVKT - The return

    Party In My Dorm -

    _Fyure-Heartz_ - A rather dedicated author
    Tash777 - Mirror Mirror
    Collaboration: Writing Duels


    No one currently.


    Coming soon.

    Being a TSA member has it's benefits:

    •Work with other writers on projects.
    •You can have your work reviewed before sending it out.
    •You get advertisement help.
    •You can make a name for yourself.

    Joining TSA is easy. Prove that you are worthy of joining. (We require a sample of your writing abilities.) TSA will contact you!

    (Only some of the writers pieces have been listed.)