The Scorching Trail πŸ”₯🐲πŸ”₯

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Jace, Apr 12, 2023.

  1. The Scorching Trail


    Doom! Destruction! Fire! Tiny Teeth! The Mage and Scout Captain Gwyn have been tasked with taking care of a small dragonling as they search for its mother in the drake-filled Firewing Mountains.

    Can you brave dragon-infested territory to return the hatchling to its brood?

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, April 19th until Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 at noon PT.

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to The Scorching Trail will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Firewing Box, and Royal Firewing Box and from The Scorching Trail Royal Bundle in the Marketplace.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Daily Activity Competition

    A Daily Activity Competition will be running during this event, from Wednesday, April 19th until Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 at noon Pacific Time. The duration of this Competition is 24 hours, and refreshes at noon PT.

    To earn points, you will need to perform eligible actions WITHIN the duration that the competition instance is running.
    Please note that one of the tasks asks to "Open a Firewing Box" -- this refers to the Event chest that is openable with Gold.

    NOTE: For the duration of this event Weekend PvP will not be ran while we continue explore ways to improve the PvP experience for our players.
    #1 ATA-Jace, Apr 12, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
    Lord2Gunz likes this.
  2. Love this pet! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ”₯
    LazyCoyote likes this.
  3. Ayo the daily competitions need some new rewards. Silver bars don’t help grow. Put some trader tokens in it. Maybe even a 1 royal key for hitting tier 3.
    The_Cowboy_MaCHiNE likes this.
  4. Very cool set πŸ”₯πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
  5. How bout keys regularly as well as trader tokens.
    The_Cowboy_MaCHiNE likes this.