The school days - Blitz

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by IXx_Exodus_xXI, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Hello, I'm writing a story about a boy. A boy who went off the rails, his life ruined and deprived of company.

    This book was written for you, my friend.

    Early morning...

    This is just a dream... Or is it? James then pinched himself cautiously. He looked up at the roaring sky, thunder. This was no ordinary dream...

    Chapter 1 - Beginnings

    James awoke from his slumber, groggy and unbalanced. Just like any other teen in the world. James turned and placed his feet on the soft carpet.

    He looked at his hands, let his eyes adjust to the rooms natural light. Carefully James reached across his bedside cabinet to retrieve the dirty and battered glasses he'd worn for the last few years.

    Sliding them onto his face, James then turned his attention to the door. It was open. He assured himself that his dad must've checked on him in the night.

    Jumping out off the bed and stretching his lean muscles, James strode to his wardrobe. Dressing as he always did: White shirt, black trousers, tie, blazer, socks and of course, boxers.

    As James changed, he searched for his school books and pens. The mad rush gave James a sense of tranquility. Just like every other teen... He thought to himself.

    The TV flickered, the remote had fallen from the cabinet. Voices that sounded familiar filled James head, The local news readers doing their normal Monday routine.

    James made a list in his head Weather, News, Traffic, Challenges and prizes, Sport and then...

    The sudden change in the tones of the words falling into place. Something was wrong; the list wasn't going according to plan.

    Frantic screams and cries invaded the dark room. James stood motionless, The world froze to a halt.