The Return

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Noodle, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. Hello, fellow things. I am officially in retirement, but it is undecided as to whether or not I shall remain President of the KaW forums (#VoteNood2k16. If you haven't heard of this movement, i strongly suggest you talk to a Smasher and learn of it's brilliance). However, I might return to creation nice threads again regardless of my position. Thank you for taking time out of your hopefully decent day to learn of this.
  2. you're running against zeth?

  3. Zeth was my VP. We already ran. The new movement is for smash. It's somewhat complicated, as it involves both KaW and Smash, but I'm already the president.
  4. who even is u
  7. This.
  10. Dats cold bruv
  11. How can u be in retirement and be king of forums ?
    And I second everyone else .

    Who's even you?