The Red War Paladin Equipment

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by l_Love_KaW, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Moved info to original enchantment guide as requested! Mod lock please
  2. Cardinal Ax

  3. Nice one ILK
  4. It's out of a total of 12 actually.
  5. Cool I've been waiting to c them at lvl 10
  6. Thanks.

     Meant that, will change soon
  7. Surprised I could get in 5 reserves. If devs release in 2s I'll be perfect :)
  8. You should really check that social notification 
  9. :lol: I already did
  10. I thaught the items were meant to be offensive? They have alot more defense than attack.
  11. It was just a part of the story for some it seems
  12.  I approve, for those wondering about stats.
  13. Only two items have been released so far, so I wouldnt discount them just yet. The first ones may be defensive too, but we dont know about the latter ones that have still yet to come out. They could be wildly offensive.
  14. I'll add the info as soon as I can
  15. Should only be 11 total. Probably only one ring