The Perfect Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llllllSouthernJusticellllll, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Howdy! I was wondering what everyone's opinions are towards the perfect builds what would you consider to be the perfect builds?
  2. Not urs... Noob go home! :p
  3. There are none. As I stated earlier today, the person playing is far more important than the build.
  4. All stables now that's perfect
  5. Bree.... Now I thought u banned from forums 
  6. No i was banned from game . But im back for abt a week or so now
  7. Lol breee....
  8. 1 stable, 23 defense towers, 24 spy defense towers.
  9. go for 49 empty land build
    the good points of it
    1.cheapest build in this game
    2.super duper flexible
    3.if you want you can easily counter every kingdoms by build new buildings dont need to thing about when to build what building just explore land when you have gold
  10. What do u wanna do and how do u wanna do it? There is no o e perfect build