The PeaceKeeper, The three-headed-dragon and The Frenzy Quee

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Ignia, Mar 7, 2011.

  1. Once upon a long winters eve... the Frenzy Queen sat upon her throne of enchanted flowers... (not unlike a leather armchair) and pondered the state of her tiny little sovereignty of Huntertopia in the vast empire of KAW...

    The train of thought that her vast intellect had taken to was that of the declining population of Huntertopia. You see, fair reader, Huntertopia was a warring nation and as such, spent most of their time warring other countries in the empire and indeed on occasion each other. However being a close-knit family... such civil war antics were never taken seriously and indeed they'd been dubbed 'love-taps.'

    The decline then was because of the lack of training masters in the vast Iggytopia... These training masters were not of human origin either... they were the magnificent Omnipotent Super Fairies! Be not fooles by their names fair reader, for they are not like their close cousins the Sparkly Fairy, these O.S.F's took the form of dragons.

    Huntertopia always welcomed the O.S.F's for they are not creatures to be tamed. They come like the wind, and indeed they are awfully gassy these O.S.F's, and they were honoured. But i have come off track have i not...? I apologise...

    The training masters were in short supply at Huntertopia... so how to draw people into her kingdom...? The Frenzy Queen pondered this for many an hour and it hit her! (No literally...) A paperball had landed on her head and it seemed that it had been sent from the ThinkingApe gods themselves...

    "STREET PARTY... ALL KINGDOMS WELCOME!!!" It was an invitation to a street party. She had decided... she would use the street party as a means to attract people to her kingdom...

    "Let them see the awesomeness that is the Frenzy Queen." she declared... Quickly she called on all her loyal Fairy helpers and organised the trip to the street party.

    As she arrived she noticed a vast array of people from all over the empire... There were the Noob people, the EllBees, the Newbs (close cousins of the Noobs) and the other, no less important, people that made up KAW.

    Some people, she realised were behaving quite innapropriately. But she put this out of her mind and started to immediately hand out fliers of silk and braocade to unattached subjects in the hopes that the ranks of Huntertopia would swell again and they would once nore become a glorious nation.

    On her fifth such attempt to attract a member, a grear white horse appeared in front of her, carrying a PeaceKeeper, a knight, wearing the armour of the ThinkingApe gods... Many people bowed before the knight, but the Frenzy Queen stood her ground and refused to do so.

    "I am the PeaceKeeper Janine Dimlove. It is my duty to inform you that by the terms set by the ThinkingApe gods i hereby sentence you to 24 hours in the silent dungeons." The Frenzy Queen wanted to scream her denial and demand to know the reasons for her sentence, but found that her voice had been bound by a magical spell!

    Suddenly there was a stirring in the crowd and it parted in reverence as a giant three-headed-dragon landed in front of the Frenzy Queen.

    Promptly it ate the the PeaceKeeper, horse and all and belching slightly grinned at the Frenzy Queen.

    "Cant talk..." the dragon said in its three powerful voices, "We're fighting one of the EllBee Nations." And saying so, the O.S.F took a running leap and flew away into the twilight sky, all the while the voice of the PeaceKeeper Janine Dimlove, could be heard begging to be let out of the dragons belly.

    The End.
  2. endings a bit abrupt but dinners here so...  out... 

    NYA... like you've never done it before... 