The Olympians

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lXISLUARDELLYIANBOYIXI, May 11, 2010.

  1. We didnt copy ur name ours is different so dont start a war over something stupid like that
  2. C O P I E R
  3. I cant haha ur too strong. Whos side are u on The Olympians or Gods of Olympia
  4. Neither i only support Chaos Reborn BUT if i wasnt in a clan id go with your clan cuz id be the biggest person there(no offence general)
  5. Idfc I justcwanna chop some heads off!!
  6. So stop whinig and deal with it. Be ready or else prepar to be destryed. Better to die prepared or die quicker unprepared
  7. I'm on the olympions side cause gods took Midnight Clan's emblem 