The Official KaW Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TwilightAssassin, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. The Official KaW Build
    By KaW_Wizard

    I have just come up with probably what will be known as The Balanced Build. This build is made up of 24 or 25 Circle of Elements and 24 or 25 Stronghold of Shadows. I will post two guides below on how to get the following stats. Enjoy! :p

    Guide one:

    Attack: 2,273,856
    Defence: 2,273,856
    Spy Attack: 1,624,000
    Spy Defence: 1,624,000

    Total units with this build:

    Soldiers: 31,200
    Spies: 350,000

    The total cost to get this build is:

    Guide two:

    Attack: 2,368,600
    Defence: 2,368,600
    Spy Attack: 1,559,040
    Spy Defence: 1,559,040

    Total units with this build:

    Soldiers: 32,500
    Spies: 336,000

    The total cost to get this build is:

    *Please note* The total prices do not include the costs of the lowland/highland lands.

    Please don't post in between the guides. I have spent a long time doing the research for this guide so please don't copy this thread!
  2. This build may win against other builds with spies but vs melee will be destroyed
  3. It's called a hybrid build :|
  4. Also u ain't the first to come up with this build. As for research, whacking figures into a build calculator ain't rocket science
  5. What buildings?

    Oh I get it! I assume what buildings to get!

    Thanks! Very helpful

  6. A long time doing research?!? This shouldn't take more than 10min...