The Not Wilson Army Arises

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wilson, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. So a lot of questions are being raised about the attacks on iG.

    There is no simple answer to this since the reasons are many.

    Some do it to settle old scores, others out of spite, a few for gold, most because they have been targeted or have had friends targeted by iG in a cowardly way.

    What makes them strong is not their reasons but their common goal. They aren't fighting for fame or for the kaw community to fear them, This is just people fighting for what they believe in

    They will not stop, they will play the game as it originally was intended.

    So who are they?

    Cyber Bully, Pure Evil, New Age, Assassins Guild and Deadlights

    They are the beginning of a new era

    They are one

    They are the Not Wilson Army (don't wilsonize them)

    In union with the united noor empire
  2. So what you're saying is; PE are fighting iG again?
  3. Not fighting for fame? So that's why there's 718483 threads about their exploits...hmm

    Oh wait sorry...they want the KaWmunity to KNOW THEM warriors not seeking fame...makes sense now
  4. Lmfao. Nice. 
  5. Most of those threads aren't by the people fighting, so that really isn't a solid argument
  7. Omg Wilsons!!!! 
  8. We are not Wilson and we will be in your news iG, untill dev take away pvp.

    I'm coming for you Tara Muahahahaha
  9. Who's against iG? How many clans?
  10. By the looks of things, a lot are.
  11. i thought i would spread my poetry to this thread also
  12. I have cream balls, soup balls, struddle balls, pepper balls and the balls that get stuck in your teeth..... la de da de da

    I have the extra extra salty balls, the balls that love the menopause and the balls that could cover your face..... la de da de da

    My chocolate salty balls are great, enough to fill your plate and face and nothing in the world could compare.......... with the taste..........of my chocolate......... salted......... balls......
  13. iG_Rhoda_iG so you liked yesterday, while your clanmate nighstab reports me spie 0'd, what was I really doing? Ripping you and others a new one  Ohand crying in cc about "Why haven't our Allies joined", after less than a day. Maybe they are tired of carrying your sorry arses.

    Pure Evil

    Friends don't Wilsonise, they fight side by side!
  14. I am Not Wilson and I support this message.  Here's a drink for you mir to drown your noob tears in. Cya soon 
  16. i demand recognition for my awesome rhyming
  17. This not just PE vs iG. please to read originsl post. many clan fight iG for many reason. soon more will come for there reason. is beging of end for iG as world power.