The No Match EB. How many is too many?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Princess_Mika_Goto, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. This is no means an attempt to call out the great warriors in -RCA- at all, but in Week 3 I count 6 times they got no match for being to big after which I assume each time they got to do the red paladin EB.
    If the devs are gonna give them 60 plus mith a week for NOT warring and not attempting to change their clan so they do get a war, is it not fair that the clan who actually DO war and LOSE be given at least the same chance to do the EB so we can at least recover the mith we spent?
    Not trying to single that clan out, but six no matches is quite ridiculous. Are they even attempting to reorganize their clan?

    Anyway, I hope the devs address this. Respect to all the fine warriors in -RCA-. Hope you get a match soon. ( preferably not against me. )
  2. Support!
  3. What else can you do though they are a the top end of the war clans if no suitable match is available can't really change that. It is at least an attempt to give them some mith
  4. Frog, good post mate.

    I wonder this as well. Often times we have close to Max limit members that want to war but we have been limiting in fear that we will get too many no match ups trying to war with large numbers when most stay around 28. Last thing we want is the "exploiting" the system for free mith thrown our way.

    I'd like to here what regulations ATa is using to determine what exactly is exploiting the system when you sign up within their set perimeters.
  5. Frog good point bud. *joins rca for the free mith*

  6. Another issues I have is clams using programs to do rancor wars. Ata doesn't seem to mind and there's really not much they can do about it since its practically impossible detect. So much for who has the best warriors. More of a who has the best programmers but I guess that's for another thread.
  7. I know of a clan (not revealing names) that put ads in Wc stating "EE WAR HERE, MAX MITH NOT NEEDED"
    And let all the top 20 sign up then anyone who didnt have mith sign up. They got no matches everytime. And i mean every. Until a group farmed them to disband
  8. Start awarding according to participation, winners and losers. That may actually entice the other great LB clans to come out and fight, then RCA will actually have someone to fight.

    Why on earth do they want to come out and get stomped by RCA with nothing to show for it?

    No more ideas to punish winners please. Just get participation up.
  9. I mean for 4 EE in a row they got no matchup and were told about the same thing each time, I don't know enough about RCA to make a good judgment about them, but from the outside it is hard to see the effort they are making to actually get matchups.
  10. ATA should go back to the old system where they didn't limit member size
  11. Well if they are gonna let certain clans get red paladin mith EBs, why won't they let us stage System wars were we can potentially earn the same amount?
  12. I'm quite sure they're not the only ones to get that many no matches
  13. They should take off the minimum member size or at least make it where 5 people minumum can war.
  14. @osw
    I agree
    That would be awesome
  15. @quewty

    You're quite sure now, are you? Who else has gotten 6 no matches this week?
  16. Honestly, I've suggested loading up an ee clan to max size just to guarantee a mith EB. Anything the devs come up with, the players always find a way to exploit it. The only real disadvantage of mith farming this way is that you don't gain rancor levels to get the special equipment at the end.... Which I expect will be awesome (hint hint, devs)
  17. Frog are you kidding me? 1 war pays out more than 60 Mith. Why on earth would a clan like -RCA- who wins 90%+ of their wars AIM for a no match?

    Also, if you have read the actual devs threads instead of being a complete tool you would see the no matches come from different reasons: size, BFA, and odd man out situations.

    -RCA- would likely love to war, but clans avoid them. Not their fault they're a  opponent and people don't want to face them.
  18. Hah frog. You think RCA has it bad? Worms :lol:
  19. Look at our war record. Do you honestly think we need to purposefully no match in order to win myth? Or that with 6 wars instead of no matches we would have won less then 60 myth each? Our business is our business, but we were looking for a match and matching to war each and every war we have EVER entered.