The Night of War

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *CruciformSpyder (01), Oct 13, 2011.

  1. The Night of WAR

    By Nightstalker

    Chapter 1 The Beginning
    Jenny and Ruel walked down the long, shady hallway, discussing how their day went. As usual, one of Ruel's maids comes running down the hall with her yellowish orange dress.

    She told Ruel about Lord Narshawn coming to visit them, but also there was some mysterious figures outside wanting to come in. Normally Ruel would let them in, but this time he didn't. He said "Close the gates and doors! Rally the Empire!"

    Jenny just stared....

    Chapter 2. The one with the wind

    King Mitok Shadowfang, a tall old man who knows Ruel and helped the Empire, swiftly flew in the gates before they closed.

    He began to change forms, his feathers turned to fur, his beak becomes a snout sort of looking like a dog's. His bird features fade, as he gains his lupine features.

    "I have been waiting for you, Mitok" hollered Ruel down the hall. "Come, sit with me."

    There's more, but I'll continue it tomorrow.
  2. Bios

    He has a tail that he likes TI keep secret. He is married to Ana Valti, they met at some kind of wedding

    Married to Isabella Nightstalker. He is very wealthy and he was once the king.

    Not married
    She is a curious young lady who thinks she can do anything without even knowing what's going on.

    Please leave your thoughts here 
  3. King Mitok Shadowfang [/I

    He is a tall, thin man who is like Ruel, but old. He is the king of Shadowfang Keep, which was taken over by the undead, but the Worgen pack named, Bloodfang, took back the Keep.
  4. King Mitok Shadowfang *
  5. The two sat down. Mitok looked around "Whoa...I didn't know you had a Manor..."

    "Aye. I'm rich, some many valu-...what was that?"

    Thud! THUD! BAM! A masked, black woman jumped in. Her bat features faded, but Ruel and Mitok couldn't determine if she was a troll, or a Worgen.

    Chapter III: The Long Lost Spy

    "I've been sent by da masta of da Dark- er..Bloodfang pack..." Said the mysterious black lady.

    Suddenly Narshawn teleported in from Hyjal.

    "Ruel! You have to come see this!"

    He teleported Ruel with him. All that was there was the maids, the mysterious black lady, and Mitok.

    "Ma'am, might I ask...who are you?" curiously asked Mitok
    "Dat be a secret!"

    A emblem was put on the back of her cape, it looked like SI:7's emblem but he couldn't be sure.
    "This place.." she smelled the place, that smelled like Strawberries, one of the maid's favorite scent. "...Will burn down..."

    Later that night...

    Narshawn and Ruel came back to a DESTROYED manor.

    Mitok just laid there, the two other Worgen helped them out. "Ruel, Narshawn, let's get back to Shadowfang."