the next person to hire my Allie is getting farmed

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -DesertStorm-, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. The next person to hire my Allie is getting farmed
  2. Shut the hell up and leave forums you spazz
  3. Hmmm. Noob reverse psychology. Don't hire his ally, just farm him
  4. Guys, dis guy iz srs, let's heed hiz warning k?
  5. Lmao dude just shut up and peeps will leave ya alone and the peeps buying your allies are most likely a lot bigger that u :) lock
  6. I'm not sure if I should hire, cause if he is telling the truth, it would be funny watching his retaliation, but he could be saying this to get people to hire his ally
  7. Buy his ally and farm him 
  8. Merge and lock?
  9. 
  10. I actually just want someone to hire him
  11. Learn to spell ALLY! Go back to English class please.

    I swear, ignorance is going to be the death of me.
  12. So temped to strip farm hehe :)
  13. Reverse psychology, don't hit his ally
  14. I just want em hired
  15. Not the way to do it Thomas..
  16. If you don't want your ally hired its your responsibility to over price them, or buy back when hired.
  17. He's cereal!!!! Dun' hire his ally!!!!!