The new growth and storm

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by I_I_I-BLyThE-TiLLiDiE-I_I_I, May 5, 2012.

  1. Dear all, can anyone share with me how to do the two eb pls.. Pls wall me ... Thank you very much :)
  2. Everyones kinda only just starting them...
  3. Well no one knows yet still testing them

    Knowing wulf be will edit his
    Guide about them
  4. At starting use item Elvel shield and after that, u can hit attack only on the red bar,, assas is not working there so osf cannot contribute on this EB
  5. Did you try scout or steals?
  6. You do one eb at a time duhhhhh
  7. There's a thread Made
    By someone from exlia stating what u need to do
  8. Did wulf put out strategy already ?
  9. I've made 3 threads about what to do have a look I also tell u what it drops
  10. Hahah thanks folks! So painful to do this eb... We need an oaf lol
  11. Nw everyone well wonder bout storm
  12. there new ebs out?