The New Event...

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Seth, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Looks good! It well thought out, and it's a unique theme. I like it!

    Too early.

    We just ended an event like 2 seconds ago! Chillax devs.

    You can be money hungry and offer other things.

    The new lands? I'm actually for this. The new lands will counter the recent insane inflation.

    I guess a 60T ally finally pushed devs to do something.

  2. OSW's and HTE arent funding them properly so why not make new lands to make more money. Make sense right? Lol
  3. Oh, true... Hmm...

    Yeah, I don't think.
  4. Im not too fused about the event im interested into these new lands.
  5. If new lands aren't 100T I'm gonna be bummed.
  6. Yup
  7. If you hit redstar successfully devs will release the new lands today
  8. thread not needed. post on the announcement thread, you attention seeking clown.
  9. I emailed support and was urged to post on forums. I said devs won't look but whatevs and posted it.

    Posted per request of support.
  10. To the devs who will never read this -
    Thanks for not responding to my question about building tokens for ppl HFBC over 2 weeks ago, taking my 2 building tokens away yesterday, and then releasing news of new lands today. Real class act there devs. Screw you too as you like to do to us.
  11. I like the idea of new lands but yes I agree with op, was a little too early in my opinion, good event, just too soon.
  12. To be fair, they announced they were removing tokens with plenty of notice.
  13. To be fair would have been to respond to me. DUH!!!!
  14. Could you rephrase that?
  15. Support.
  16. I knew they announced removing them. I asked a simple question for them to respond to well in advance of this removal.
  17. More fools complaining about build tokens and them being "taken away" before new stuff comes out.

    Let's make this clear....


    If anyone thought about this for more than 2 minutes they would realize that build tokens were going to expire before anything new was released. Otherwise it generally defeats the purpose.

    Stop whining about this continually. The goal is the improvement of the game. Stop complaining that it's not fair and you're getting screwed and that you want compensation. Do you want the game to stay going for as long as possible? Do you want to have it shut down like GaW and FC?

    If you like the game and want to keep playing it, then stop complaining when they do something to help the game as a whole rather than something that helps just you.

    * and no offense luckstar, it's not just you I'm responding to but all of the folks on forums continuing to complain about this
  18. Fair enough. I guess my point I was trying to grasp was why no response to my simple question sent over 2 weeks ago about the tokens. I didn't ask for anything, nor expect anything, except an answer.
    And FYI - please don't compare the other shutdown games to KAW. They are not the same, and was more to it. You are comparing apples to oranges.
  19. True true, the answer to that is...

    Kaw doesn't respond to anything that amounts to a "real" question about the game or their choices in how to run it. It's annoying but they just don't respond to those. Instead, they post about shark eb's and jokes.