The New EB - What's Your Feedback?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Seth, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Devs, you messed up.


    You've done it before, we all know it. Everyone does!

    The new EB does not follow the difficulty of the other Scrag EBs. Yes, they are supposed to get harder as they go. But EBs in a series should NOT double one after the other.

    LB position 4 (TakuniTheCat) was doing half the damage to SoF compared to AFF. He is LB position 4. That's ridiculous. It's absurd.

    4 TRILLION? No, god please no! 4T is excessive. I understand the EB is out to keep in mind the new lands. BUT!

    1) Not all the levels for The Abyss are out yet

    2) It takes an LB clan that runs AFF in two hours, 11 (almost 12) hours to complete. Forget doubling... That's almost 6 times as hard!

    3) The payout is wayyyyyyy too much.

    The new abyss building levels aren't out yet (entirely, we still have move levels coming out).

    I think the way the devs new to go about revising this is reduce then end plunder, and make it significantly easier. Keep it proportionate to TS - AFF.

    Now I bet the community has many thoughts. What are they?
  2. Do the devs even test the EB's before running them? o.o
  3. It's perfect, stats always double almost always double as an upgrade. If level 1 is 1k cs then 2 is 2kcs and 3 will be 6k. The final abyss land levels will put the highest cs possible around like 70-80M cs. The difficulty of This EB is based purely on the massive size capabilities.

    It's payout is perfect for it's difficulty and is the next HTE for huge builds. You guys were asking for another HTE for big builds and they gave you exactly that.
  5. 
  6.  I love you Seth... But this eb is for the leaderboard... And the fact it will drop scrolls from all the scrags means no one will enchant any of the new equips..

    Cest la vie
  7. And now we have the new eb which unless you are yada yada all said before.
    Nope not repeating it all. Just to say told you so. 
    Eggsactly what I eggspected from devs. Stop gearing the game to lb and start listening to the community as a whole.
  8. I love how hard this eb is. And love seeing all the huge clans forfeiting this eb. :)
  9. How is the payout too much when people are using mith and max pots to counter all the fails. If that is sarcasm then you pretty much failed at it. If not then do your maths. Those guys have taken over 8 hours to finish an EB. Probably even xtalled. Add to it the mith and pots and all the fails they must have had. This EB is a fail no matter which way you look at it. Especially in the plunder department for all the gold lost in mith and pots and the regens lost in fails.
  10. Who cares...
    finally an eb u grind out with a full clan.
    Passengers need not apply
    Don't like it don't play it......end of story
  11. Haven't participated in it yet but I'm going to say it is an EB for the top. For those stretching for build completion.

    Do we really have any challenge for the top players in KaW in terms of EBs?
  12. You shouldn't have to max mith, use pots, etc
  13. Yah you should Seth. It's finally an EB that is challenging. It's for people working hard and really want to put that effort in. Stop complaining man, get over it.
  14. Noons crying cause things aren't handed to them. You actually need to try I complete this eb. " this EB is to hard!" Well no one complained about aff being done in 2-3 hours. Don't be noobs its a challenge
  15. Shouldn't have every eb an easy no brainer so about time an eb with serious bite.

    Plan to be highly active n no full unloads
  16. It's for the big clans. You can't do it. Face it and stop being butthurt
  17. The new eb is only for LB clans. And we did it 11hrs. Do we want to do it again? The answer is a big "HELL NO!"

    Why we gonna do it again? Its hard, pay out low, soldiers and spies attacks fails. Do it for what? For scrolls? Have not completed the AFF scrolls for the armor yet even we do it b2b. And you devs release an eb like this? You gotta be kiddin me!!

    And how about the new players? What can you offer them?? An eb that says, hey noobs this is off your limits! Do this after 3yrs of playin KaW.
  18. Do we have a challenge for build complete players?
    Erm yeah using your kingdom to fight and attack other kingdoms.
    Isn't that the whole point of the game.
    What's the use in a kingdom if you aren't going to war with it.
    Oh look I have the best kingdom and do nothing but hit the hardest ebs.
    Why play at all. The idea used to be build complete and war. Now it's chase every drop, grow grow grow. Don't war because it costs too much and banking kills growth.
    And who wants to spend 8 hours a day hitting the same eb. Encourages nothing it bores is silly or drives people away if they have any type of life.
    High activity for a regen bar sitting at the screen. Ok ish. A whole eb while you are at work school whatever. Yeah how many can do that?
    Another case of losing touch of keeping it a social game for people to come together at their leisure. Not be forced to sit at a screen for hours with no life.
  19. Why is everyone so mad? This eb is not for small builds. It's for the lb. Not everything is meant for everyone. There are players who like hitting big challenging ebs like this. It's for them. Why do you have to be so angry?
  20. Judging by the difficulty i wouldnt be surpriced if this eb isnt the last hurrah by ATA ive never seen such a high increase in difficulty in any of the other family of ebs.The gold per hit return is miniscule and returns are unknown,the equip stats are hidden i just hope they are worth it.At this lev of difficulty elements should also be dropped as im expecting the enchantment process is going to be even worse than normal.The lack of drops from the other dragons hasnt helped the community either the intro of the new triple drops is a cover up for their lack of insight this eb may also be a way to reduce our virtual gold as pots n mith sales will drastically reduce avail gold.