The name's Scakk

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 7-little__Luana, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Can you guess my strategy. Only a few know. No its not cheating. Guess what I did to get 8.3 mil stats with less than 90 days played :p :cool:
  2. What? What did you do? Use bots?
  3. Firuzzy got his strategy.
  4. you bought nobs. now shut up
  5. Purchase ALL the nobs!
  6. You assassinated Jesus and forced ATA to do your bidding?
  7. Hired Chuck Norris
  8. that. or he was the one who purchased the Romeo account and volleyed out all the wealth.
  9. Plus there are plenty of people who hlbc in just a few months.
  10. Guys no matter what he did it all falls under the cats gory of "no life"
  11. lol. HLBC in a few months? without buying nobs? no. that's not at all common
  12. BUy nobs NO BOTS
  13. Cats gory rofl *catagory
  14. Dbo I mean they buy nobs, but there's plenty that get hlbc in a few months through nob purchasing.
  15. certainly not with only 28k wins. even ally trading. that many wins isn't enough to have the wealth to make big profit from ally trading.

    he bought nobility. clearly
  16. Wow no life that you spent that much money on nobs
  17. ya. lol. and he's all proud he bought his stats. nob noob