Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BRIDE-OF-CHRIST, Aug 13, 2013.

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  1. LOL!

    Hello KaW! This one is for the Believers (aka Christians). So if you are not into Jesus, this post is NOT for you. But for those of you who don't mind, I'll continue.

    KaW consist of many Believers as well as Non-Believers in Jesus Christ as Lord. I have met and befriended Believers in KaW- from multiple members of Zaft, to Christian Clans and even noobs, etc. Those are only a few examples. Many Believers exist throughout KaW. Many Non Believers prefer we respect their choice not to Believe. Simple enough to understand. However, at the same timevthet should respect the fact that many choose to Believe. Many do ツ. Sadly, there are still many who do not. They purpose themselves to offend Believers by blaspheminf Jesus' name-the name of the One True God- throughout KaW. Ok- so who cares? Many. But those many wont speak up. Why not? Is it because the Believers are afraid? Not at all. Believers try their best to reflect the Gospel of peace. Which is exactly what they are supposed to do. However, though God instructs not to steal on our own accord, He also strengthens us by saiying, "Take" back wgat the devil stole from YOU. God lovingly commands the indivivual not to kill, He demanded Gideon lead an otherwise peaceful nation into war against another nation. God used Gideon and several others to show other nations He wasn't a punk. He straight chumped them (lol!) So I have developed a new way to war inside the wonderful world of KaW. I'm calling it exactly what it is… a Jesus wall farm ツ. The Jesus Wall Farm (aka The Belivers Wall Farm) is a great way to share the love of Christ to those who would bully you or disrespect your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…and the only kind of attack you do is a love attacck! (scouts are allowed only to view target kingdom. Usees may use information gathered to upgrade his/her personal kingdom to ward off attacks or inform jwf partners of target Kingdom. Scout bombs are not allowed, as our goal is not to directly weaken the targets defenses). Our goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth-and every end possible in KaW.

    Here's how the JWF's work:

    1) Bank Your Gold
    2) Exit Your Clan.
    Be respectful. Inform clan owners you will doing so. This way you leave clans out of it. (Unless the entire clan is involved. Be aware involving clans could lead to osw's. These wars are meant to be 1vs 1 or a few vs a few).

    3) First wall the offender a friendly informative of Jesus Christ as Lord and especially Jesus love for the target. Use as many post as it takes lol! That's up to you. Then leave it all alone. If the target does not respond, you have done your job. Do not continue to post without invitation. It's ovee and you've both won. ツ If target responds negatively, move on to #4.

    4) If target responds negatively then follow thisprocedure:
  2. 4) continued


    You May skip this step: Download Emoji keyboard to create elaborate and expressive posts. On Android, download Latin Emoji Keyboard from Googleplay if you have not found a better one. Has kinks in activating but once activated works great overall.
    Do Not Skip This Step:
    Create on your own wall a repetive message about Jesus in one post. For example:

    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You.bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!

    Highlight, select all, copy
    post onto target wall.

    repeat post on target wall until entire wall is covered in posts. If target does not respond on wall , or blocks you, even if you are successfully attacked by target you have still reached your goal to spread the Gospel. You Won! If target respond via wall posts in a negative fashion, repost the same (or a new) message repetitively on target wall. Should look something like this:
    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You.bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You.bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You.bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You.bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!
    Jesus Loves You.bro!
    Jesus Loves You, bro!

    If user blocks you-even if they farm your kingdom= you know he/she has seen your message. Hooray! You've won! If target does not block you, you may continue to farm target wall until targets wall you a compliment to Jesus, an Amen (preferably in Jesus' Name),, or you are satisfied with a friendly comment from target You may also stop if you are too tired to carry on. Remember, you are not in this to wear yourself down, but to openly spread the love of Christ to the Haters and the Would-be haters throughout KaW. If you do that, no matter how many times they attack you- you've won. Target will either keep insulting-giving you more cause to posts on Jesus' behalf whether they like it or not ( they didn't care whether or not they offended Jesus-neither will we care to blow up offenders walls with the love of the Lord!) , Target may block you- in this case you may spam wc with the fact that "targets correctly spelled name" is a coward (spam no more than x4 every 30min- change at least one symbol in each line for wc that you wont get silenced. Do this no more than x3 a day just to be safe about not getting silenced- the term spamming us used loosely here and simply means to repeat messages about target. You can change message completely each time yousend as to completely avoid silencing). Spam is always at users own risk.

    Targets will often hate this wall kind of wall farm. Therefore you have succeeded in causing them to suffer for the name if Christ. And blessed are ye also when persecuted for His namesake. ツ

    May the Lord Jesus be glorified in All things if Heaven, eath, and KaW. (adapted from a christian clan wall). Ask me about the Christan world of KaW! ツ

    Lol! To all haters who respond to these posts in negativity, We Loooooooveeee Yooooouuuu in the Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Holy Ghost Slay You. You Didn't Know.

    Happy KaWing Everybodu ツ
  3. Forum ban incoming.
    InB4 Lock
  4. This is going to be locked, continue and you'll get banned.
  5. Really? I might actually dig out my old alts to destroy you. And I barely play anymore.

    That is literally how stupid you are
  6. You will get banned. You have already been warned when your thread was locked.
  7. May the great flying spaghetti monster, Pastafarius, have mercy on your soul.
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