The Moronic Mith Payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. ATA! Listen up you maple-syrup sniffing hosers!


    Now I know you got some space age algorithm that some Asian kid like me with a math degree couldn't possible comprehend, but tell me how this works:

    Look at this handsome badass dude. Fourth in plunder from a clan rank of ten. Got a KO and 38 actions used full pots and casted 16 mith. For that the Hoser gods deemed it a 45 mith performance.

    Now look at this sh dude in the same war:


    Don't mean to diss him or anything. But...

    59 mith? Really? Why did this happen? Is it because of the 4 FEWER actions? Or the 2 FEWER mith he cast? Or the NO KO's? Or that sexy 2Million plunder?

    And don't give me that crap he burnt more pots. Burn pots? Is that the be-all, end-all of EE wars? Was that deciding factor in our victory? No, burning pots is just some lame excuse to make ppl buy more.
    So listen you hosers! Stop hosing the players with cheapo payouts. Stop kissing sh butt and recognize the builds that actually factored in the win.

    E'nuff said.

  2. Dev logic FTW
  3. I suppose they give more mith to the smaller guys to help them grow..? But, they aren't growing. Which, sucks.
  4. God that last picits quite deeeep
  5. 34 actions? How many xtals used?
  6. The algorithm will give you more mith based on how much buying mith costs for you in the alchemist. So for you it might cost 1.5bil per mith, for him it costs 800mil. So in the end, you both get a similar amount of mith amounting to, say, 50bil worth of mith. But his mith costs less, so they compensate by giving him more to make that 50bil mark.
    That's why these small as **** players get crazy mith payouts. I hate it too, and I'm an SH. And if I would be in 4th place, if usually get more than 1/5 ratio and 500mil. Step it up bro.
  7. I've noticed that it depends on if you attack successfully on larger acoounts
    So the Sh scouts on bigger guys pays better than you attack or assassinate on smaller folk
  8. @pheonix

    You obviously have not done any primal wars. No plunder bonuses. There is no way a build like yours would make 500,000 in a primal.
  9. Warring strategy changes depending on opponent. Yesterday the enemy had few attack builds so I could tank. Tonight's had more so being hybrid I did a plunder run on their hansels and skoed until xstal time, after I did another plunder run. All actions full pots.
  10. 500 mil, not 500,000. Sorry.
  11. I feel Iike i read this crybaby thread from frog before?
  12. No you just recognize the hosers part. The devs have been called that before by him, lol.
    So either way, yes, I didn't know about the primal war plunder thing, so disregard what I said about that. Even so, the rest of my message remains true, as that seems to be the only plausible reason why players get more mith the smaller they are.
  13. You've read my threads before, Chubs? Glad to count you as a fan️
  14. Wouldn't say fan but definitely seen you whine a lot,does it help?
  15. Frog is a known whiner. He should just stick to doing justin beaver threads.
  16. spelling mistake.
  17. Lol actually Chubs, this is a tap tap game so you haven't seen me at all. Why don't you go back to your EB and let the men who actually do EE war discuss this?

    Request you leave for being off topic. Bye Chubs. 