The Morals of Those in Power

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ANTISTHENES, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. The subject under discussion today - The Morals of Those in Power - has been prompted by recent cogitation on the problems created for some Kingdoms by those who either own alts or control other Kingdoms - persuading or using them to carry out tasks that the 'Controller' would not want to be associated with their Main Account.

    Be very clear - I am in no way suggesting anyone is contravening, bending or circumventing the Terms of Use here - what I am suggesting is that by various means - a player is carrying out various activities- farming - ally stripping and character destruction - by hiding behind a number of small accounts and acting in a way that would mean a serious loss of respect and authority for the main account - and probably some serious farming of the main as well.

    So - in true College Course style - your assignment for today -

    'Discuss - The rights of those in influential positions or those in authority to hide behind a smokescreen and act in a way that the main could never adopt - and could never be seen to adopt - to satisfy a mean, underhanded, selfish and obnoxious desire to see others suffer indignities'

    I look forward to your collected - and sometimes moderate - replies.
  2. I'm glad you set that point out from the beginning: I'll talk just a little bit about KaW, ToU and gameplay for a moment.

    KaW is a war game. That means you attack others, forum aliances and try to increase your power and influence. There are many ways to do this.To the kingdoms of KaW, ToU is the only "morality" That is real in this Game. ToU is the KaW bible (or what ever religious text you wish to insert.) it was created at the beginning of time by the KaW gods (the devs) and is administered to the public by the church officials (the mods). Follow and respect the morality of this game (ToU) and you'll be fine.
    These are simply war tactics. In real life, governments around the works operate both openly and in secret. Using covert alts to do your dirty work is not only fine, it's smart. Remember, this is a war game. How many wars do you know of where the enemy openly tells you what his strategies tools and owns are.
    Your question is loaded, so has lost its validity. I have out in bold print the part of your question that skews your survey.
    If you have enough idevices, droid based phones or what ever to run multiple alts, that's great, and if you want to be the master controller that uses your alts to garner power and influence for your main, that's smart. I have no problem with sophisticated players. Conversly, I respect them.
  3. Reserved
  4. Some difference in morals are for people who use them properly, like for strip banks or etc, but for posting hate threads and things, or personally disrespecting somebody who can never findout who your main is plainly is unmoral to me
  5. I agree. If these alts are used for tactics in wars, I see no problem with that. It's a very clever move. If however they are used to undermine and bully other players behind a mask as you suggest, this isn't right or moral and I have no respect for players like that.
  6. So... Are you saying ur a priest or a bishop Moose...

    Quick..everyone... Hide your children!!

    jk jk
  7. Alts that spam forum with smack Talk are wrong, and here is why.
    1. There is no consequence for the smack talk
    2; no tactical advantage is gained by the operator running a smack talking garbage alt
    3. The threads always go off topic because everyone's calling out the smack talking garbage alt
    4. The smack talking garbage alt is usually engaging strictly in creating flame bait, whic is disruptive the the kingdoms at war community

    These actions are wrong and won't be tolerated
  8. Interesting breakdown you got there moose
  9. I couldn't agree more there moose.
  10. I see my small assignment has created a little debate - excellent.

    Moose - thank you for your considered and erudite reply. I made the point clear regarding any misuse of the terms of use - we all know that there have been incidents where players have contravened them and quite rightly been held to account by the devs - my point for discussion is not about those sad individuals who cannot see any other way to operate in this game without deliberately breaking the terms - but is designed so that we may consider and discuss the actions of a few individuals who know those Terms of Use well - and who are operating within those Terms legitimately.

    There are admirable merits in your points where you - quite rightly -point put that this is, above all else, a WAR GAME. In particular where you point out that Governments around the World operate in the same manner - with open tactics and secret ones utilising legitimate agencies for their undue over work.

    In reply - I agree that all Governments use those tactics - and when on the side of 'Right' - are applauded for their statesmanship and dedication whilst keeping us safe and allowing us - the vast majority of the Free World - freedom to live our lives in whatever manner we choose - within the confines of each country's laws and statutes. HOWEVER - when a Government or country - or Kingdom shall we say- is determined to bring down, stifle or subdue those within the Free World using those same tactics - that Government is held in abhorrence, treated as outcasts and seen as legitimate targets for the Free World to act against.

    My point is not that the practice does not happen within KAW - but that a very few individuals use those tactics to the detriment of the vast majority - and THOSE are the individuals who should be discovered and openly held to account.

    It is also refreshing to see a Mod take an interest in the point for discussion - I look forward to hearing the opinions of other Mods - whether in agreement with me or not.
  11. My statement about governments using cover means to accomplish goals was a reference to tactics only. The problem your speaking to lies not in the tactics, but in the motives of those tactics.

    This is a game, so different rules apply here. Attack your neighbor and take his money in real life and you'll be brought up on charges. Do this in KaW and you'll Have a fun time. ToU is the only morality I recognize in this game. All other forums of values and ethics are unique to each player; and cannot have a universal standard applied to them.
  12. Here is some more thoughts. You have a "steal" button. Stealing is immoral, or so most would say, but we do it in game anyway.
  13. Yup but some people ere are immoral people moose; and spying is being a nosy *******
  14. Hobbit;
    There is no morality here. Only ToU 
  16. I agree with moose in that this is a war game and if said players choose to do something that profits them, however is not generally accepted, but neither does it violate the tou then so be it, you can't stop them. And at any rate they're being smart enough to do something other people either wouldn't think of, or would be too lazy or scared to do it.
    However if said players trash talk an interesting thread (such as this 1), even if they are not violating the ToU, then they should be punished (not by being silenced but a more 'unofficial' punishment such as farming). As it is a disrespectful, profitless venture.
  17. Of I am lurking on a good thread and forumers are
    1. Dragging the thread into the sewer
    2. Just blatantly flaming
    3. Contribute nothing at all with their comments

    They can
    1. Have their posts removed
    2. Be subject to a forum ban 
  18. Fascinating thread - so if I read right- and some say I'm a bit slow on the uptake here - as long as you don't break the ToU - it's very much a case of 'Anything goes' - in other words - a free for all, knock down, street brawling, kingdom bashing, back stabbing, every man for himself, full speed ahead and damm the torpedoes way of operating?

    No morality?! No sense of honesty and fair play amongst warriors? No loyalty other than to yourself? Just get the job done and nuts to everyone else is it?

    Hmmmm - wonder how many others think of it like that - I was under the apparent misapprehension that KaW was more than that? Yes a war game - but one in which loyalty and integrity to clan members counted for a lot - maybe it is to most players - but then like in real life - you get those that sit outside or above everyone else and just take advantage?

    Something to think about isn't it? And yes - I do know it is a game - and one to be enjoyed.

    Long Live the Revolution!
  19. If that style of game play entertains you, then yes. I choose to play differently, but that is my decision.
    The "morality" in this game is supplied by each and every player, not ATA. So, since people rarely agree on anything, no universal standard for conduct other than the ToU may apply.
    Integrity counts to me, and apparently it does to you, but it does not matter to everyone, and that's OK. This is a war game, not a church.
    We all enjoy the game in our own way  long live your revolution.