The loyalty within the "Crusaders".

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BoomIsInTheAir-, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. Wow you guys sure are so honourable and loyal to your cause. What a better way to show PIMD an honorable path by backstabbing each other and mutinying within and then making a public thread about it. So honourable, the rest of PIMD wants to follow in your footsteps! 
  2. Mmk
    How's the crusade going
  3. Idk I'm not a crusader but by the way things look in this thread, I'm guessing it's failing miserably. It's rather funny to see they're turning on each other.
  4. I'm still there growing to farm you all :)
  5. Go back to pimd
  6. Sasuke_Uchiha?
    Why is he mentioning him?

    Last I checked this account was him and he doesn't even play pimd at all.

  7. Support to the crusade
  8. The guy in the op just followed me on pimd crying about people farming his kaw acct.
  9. Dear God, has KAW forums sunk to a new low now?
  10. Wɦɛʀɛ ɨs sasʊҡɛ? 
  11. ^you 2 need to get a room
  12. A personal question to a mod if they're present...

    Can we get that guy banned for defamation or impersonation?
  13. OP needs a better battery.