This is only the beginning of my story. I Will post more at some point- just started. I hope to hear some feedback, and hope you enjoy the short beginning ! Should take about 3mins to read- 512 words. The Loyal Search is about a poor man living in a corrupt and poor city. He has nobody- nobody that is except for Majestic. Majestic is all he has left and the Walkman in his pocket. He is searching for ways for Majestic and himself to survive. He will do anything for Majestic to survive at least. This is a beautiful piece that most anyone can relate to, or put themselves into his shoes.
He starts his days wandering the streets alone and cold. There is nobody that even recognizes him as he just strolls through the city on a search for nothing. He doesn’t know who he is, he doesn’t know where he’s come from. He’s just a poor man that nobody has the decency to give two shits about. It’s Capitalism, he always says to himself;that’s what he was suffering from. Capitalism was the cause for his situation. It had nothing to do with him- or where he had come from. It had to do with the government and the depression it had thrown each American into. No matter black, white, yellow, or purple- you were poor. The cities have gotten worse. At 25 years of age, this man had known the differences between past society and present society. There was once a time where people actually helped each other; Car rides were once offered to strangers; Money was given to poor; Poor were taken out to lunch once in awhile; there were thank yous and you’re welcomes. Now everyone is on their own- there is no such thing as help anymore. He walks into an abandoned lot with his Walkman received for a dollar that he found on the street one day. Many people he saw could afford phones or other .mp3 capable devices. He has a Walkman. It included tapes that have been outplayed and overused. He could remember each lyric of each tape- he has five of them. They were ones that you also flip over and get more than you thought. His favorite was Queen. Bohemian Rhapsody played as he continued to walk through the abandoned lot. It was one of those types of areas that most people would be afraid to walk in alone, in fear of getting jumped or napped. But he had nothing to fear, he had nothing to lose anyhow. His eyes faded into the music as he slid his hands across the cool gray walls. He stared up at the ceiling embracing the atmosphere. The atmosphere that his heart had felt 24/7- emptiness. He stopped walking as he raised his volume. He smiled, a brave yet mysterious smile, while he started to sing. “Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality- open your eyes,” and he did. Beside his feet stood a creature some would find magnificent. But this creature was dirty and in desperate need of a bath and food. She was obviously abandoned and lost. He ignored that though- because what caught his eyes, was that she was enjoying his singing- so he continued. He took one ear-bud out while the creature yelped to his singing. She was beautiful. They both sat down there together singing along to two more songs, including; Under Pressure and Somebody To Love. “So do you have a name?” He asked while smoothing her hair. She said nothing so he continued, “Well I’ll call you Majestic, do you like that girl?” She licked him in excitement and tackled him from sitting position to his back. He chuckled, “You can call me Harry.”