The Lost Legend

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Secret-Blade, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Chapters~
    1.) The Arrival
    2.) The Plan
    3.) The Attack
    4.) Life or Death?

    Chapter 1, The Arrival

    One day, Melissa and Moose were just walking down the street of WC, with their friend, Wrathbane. Melissa was equiped with a few throwing knives, for she was a thief, one tactical knife, and a bandanna.
    Moose wore a sword, ruby in the hilt, and some old fashioned bow and arrows. Wrathbane was wearing a war axe. He held aloft a shield, and looked 'round every corner looking for spammers. Suddenly, a player, named Undecided_Fate, whisked them into the house and said, "Why are you out there?! War is erupting in WC, and even kaw and kaw_admin couldn't stop it!" In unison, they answered, "We know how. We Mods together can finish it. And you can tag along and help." So Fate (We'll call him that for now) went upstairs to his attic, grabbed a well polished sword, emerald in the hilt, a few hunting knives, a quiver of arrows and a bow, well-plated armor, then came down, and they all at once set off, nobody else even seeing them go...