Chapter 1 Introduction Let's just get this straight, I have no idea who I am, the last thing I remember is a mighty being, with a flowing gold cape and a sword of mighty power. I just ended up here, not knowing anything, my only intent was to face him and hopefully get out of here.
Chapter 2 Blade and Armor So, I traveled through this place not even knowing what it was. I passed a lot of kingdoms, some attacked by warriors, others by wizards or something.
He walked up, and someone jumped out, and scampered away. He now started chasing him/her. He had great speed so he easily caught up.
He found out once he got a better look it was a she. She was covered in dirt and mud. She said "You might be right for us.". He said "What do you mean by "us".".
She took him down to the basement, and when he got there it was like somebody had just lit a bomb and let it explode.
People were everywhere. He heard banging like a hammer on metal, and from what he knew, swords hitting shields and armor.
They passed a field, and she said "Thats our training area." "It's where you practice magic, and swords.
She kneeled so he followed her example and kneeled also. His voice boomed, "Who have you brought us, Assassin?" She answered, "Someone who we've kept an eye on for days."
He replied, "What is your name, person?" He replied, "I don't know." He replied "How do you not know what your own name is?" He replied "I woke up in without any memory."
So she took him to Bart, the armor and weaponsmith. She said, "Bart, this guy needs a blade and armor.
He said, "Ok, but I'll need to see how good he is before I can make him some of his own armor and blade.