The Legend of KaW (Inaccurate)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Krishna-, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. The Legend of KaW

    Note this is long...

    Non of the following events ever happened :lol:

    There once was a time when all of KaW was at war. Brother fought brother. Father fought son. No-one was winning. When all of a sudden an alliance formed. The Red war Paladins rose from the darkness. Many more rose from the war and fought, for once, side by side.

    However, there were some who wanted more. Soooo much more. They wanted money. They wanted to steal the treasures of Calydor

    These people had heard the legends of their ancesters, who had tried, and failed, to steal the treasures. But these people were more organized. Stronger. Faster. Better (cue Daft Punk). They were determined, they were WE LIVE IN SOLITUDE.. They spent a year preparing for the quest

    At long last the ships were ready to collect the treasures of Calydor. They were sailing across the wide sea. When one by one boats sank. The stories of Z'uthmerak were real.

    He was relentless, everytime they cut off a tentacle three more would rise from the deep to continue their onslaught. It seemed impossible then back-up arrived.

    The Red War Paladins appeared and fought back Z'uthmerak. Side by side WE LIVE IN SOLITUDE. and the Red War Paladins fought back. Slowly fighting Z'uthmerak back into the sea. Eventually they had defeated Z'uthmerak at long last. They had finally won.

    As a newly formed alliance the to groups sailed in the direction of home. It was clear they were not going to survive. The world stopped. A massive storm whipped up. The fleet did everything to stay together and not die. The storm lasted for three days and three nights. When the storm stopped they found themselves in front of a large island. Covered in dense forrest. As they landed out of the dark forrest came odd shapes. Like men; like trees. They were not welcoming them.

    The End of Part One

    Made by X-D and EVILDUCK999

    Part Two coming soon.....................


    Sorry for any mistakes I did it quickly...
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