The Keyblade Masters Anyone that joins this clan is a family to us Owner: brutuszyka Co-Owner:superkillforchill Head Admin: Co-Head Admin: Rules: :Be active!(in ebs and cc) :No farming!(if farmed contact someone that is stronger than the person farming u) : Don't change ci.(clan info) : Have fun and be a keyblade master! If u follow the rules look at rewards! If u don't follow the rules look at punishment! REWARDS: Promotion Protection PUNISHMENTS: Demotion Kick Clan Ad The Keyblade MastersWe have BB EBS all stats welcome! Come now and be come a Keyblade Master! Ally clans: DEVILS RETRIBUTION Ranks: Backhanded Keyblade Master500k and up Keyblade Master400k-500k Keyblade Warrior300k-400k Keyblade Rookie200k-300k Keyblade Holder100k-200k No Keyblade0k-100k