The KaW Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TwilightAssassin, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. The KaW Build

    By KaW_Wizard

    I have just thought up a build. I shall call it 'The KaW Build'! It is a balanced build that is made up of 24 or 25 Circle of Elements and 24 or 25 Stronghold of Shadows. The term used for this build I believe is a 'Hybird build'.
    I hope these guides help, :D

    Guide One (will be about)

    Stats with this build:

    Attack: 2,368,600
    Defence: 2,368,600
    Spy Attack: 1,559,040
    Spy Defence: 1,559,040

    Units with this build:

    Soldiers: 32,500
    Spies: 336,000

    Total cost for this build:



    This is the hardest build to get out of the two. It contains 25 Circle of Elements and 24 Stronghold of Shadows. Also the total cost is a lot lower than the other build.

    Guide Two (will be about)

    Stats with this build:

    Attack: 2,273,856
    Defence: 2,273,856
    Spy Attack: 1,624,000
    Spy Defence: 1,624,000

    Units with this build:

    Soldiers: 31,200
    Spies: 350,000

    Total cost for this build:



    This is the easiest build to get out of the two. It contains 24 Stronghold of Shadows and 25 Circle of Elements. Even though it is the easiest build to get it costs more.

    The total cost does not include the price of all the lands.

    I have done a lot of research to get this information (no build calculators used) so please don't copy it! I shall post the two guides in greater detail below. Please don't post in between the guides.
  2. The KaW Build
    Guide One

    By KaW_Wizard

    As you've probably seen this build's stats are very impressive! They are provided by 25 Circle of Elements and 24 Stronghold of Shadows. This build is the hardest to get even though it costs less. It's the 'OSF' type build.
    The easiest way to get this build is:

    Part I

    When you start ask for a volley on WC (World Chat) but don't say what buildings you are building. Wait until you've got 20mil then explore 8 lands. You will then unlock the next set of buildings, Forges, Beastiarys and War Cathedrals. Start building and fully upgrading Beastiarys. Now join a PWar (Plunder War). Unload your troops on the OSF. Keep exploring your lands and building Beastiarys. Eventually you will LCBC (Land Complete with fully upgraded buildings) with Beastiarys, you will have no spies but about 48,000 soldiers. Now save up 665.28 bil. Convert to fully upgraded Stronghold of Shadows. You should now have 0 soldiers and 336,000 spies. Ask on WC (World Chat) if there are any PWars going on. Make sure you mention your a 3.1mil OSF! You should get lots of wall posts offering a PWar you can join (they don't care about making you happy, they just want to hit you!). When you join put all your money into "Mist if Confusion" pots. Sell one at a time every five seconds (only do this if it's a busy PWar). If you want to remain open while your offline then buy some more expensive pots that cost at least 6mil. Make sure you keep your spies at about 20% so you lose less money each hit.

    I will add in some links for a bit more information on OSFing.

    Part II

    Once you've saved up 300bil you want to put about 250bil in allies. Now keep going to PWars and OSFing. Explore all of the Highland lands (this costs approximately 1tril). After you've explored all the lands save up 656.25bil and build and fully upgrade 25 Circle of Elements.
    You now have the following stats:

    Attack: 2,368,600
    Defence: 2,368,600
    Spy Attack: 1,559,040
    Spy Defence: 1,559,040

    You also have:

    Soldiers: 32,500
    Spies: 336,000

    Well here's the first guide to 'The KaW Build'! I shall post the second guide below.
    I don't mean to nag but please don't post in between the guides!
  3. The KaW Build
    Guide Two

    By KaW_Wizard

    This is the second guide of the two. It costs slightly more even though it's the easiest build to get. The reason it costs slightly more is because it's made up of 24 Circle of Elements and 25 Stronghold of Shadows. Stronghold of Shadows being more expensive at 27.72bil for a fully upgraded one where as Circle of Elements only cost 26.25bil for one that is fully upgraded.
    The first build is the 'OSF' type build of the two, this one will be the 'OAF' type build.

    The easiest way to get this build is:

    Part I

    If you have reset then you probably know this and you can skip this first couple of lines. Ask for a volley on WC (World Chat). From the volley save up 20mil and build and fully upgrade Forges. With forges you make more plunder per hit so it's easier to get more money which is good considering this build costs more money to get. Eventually you will LCBC (Land Complete with fully upgraded buildings). Now put all your money into 'Elixir of Vitality' pots. Now post on WC (World Chat) that your open for steals (set your status as this as well). Now drop one pot every five seconds, your balance should stay at 937gold. This shows that people are stealing from you. From this you should get some wall posts saying 'ty' or 'thx', this means thank you or thanks. Now you've had a bit of practice for later on. You might get the odd hire from this. Now you want to go to some PWars (Plunder Wars) and unload your troops on the OSF. Now save up 630bil and convert to Circle of Elements, make sure you fully upgrade them!

    Part II

    Ask on WC (World Chat) if there are any PWars that a 4.4mil OAF can join. You should get lots of wall posts offering you PWars to join. As the OAF you won't get as much steals as the OSFs get hits. Also go to the attacking side and hit the OSF as well. Now save up 300bil and put 250bil in allies. Keep saving until you get 693bil and fully upgrade Stronghold of Shadows (this does not include the approximate 1tril cost to explore the Highland).
    You now have the following stats:

    Attack: 2,273,856
    Defence: 2,273,856
    Spy Attack: 1,624,000
    Spy Defence: 1,624,000

    You also have:

    Soldiers: 31,200
    Spies: 350,000

    Well here's the second guide to 'The KaW Build'.
    The guide to this build is complete!

    Hope this helps,
    :D :lol: :D
  4. Note: 600bil may take 2 years to get. Espeaciallt with a 8 forge/beast/war cath, and no allies
  5. Especially*
  6. if you read carefully it says lcbc before you start saving
  7. It's a hybrid build... I've already made a thread about this
  8. where do you get 2 years to get 600bil ? This game hasn't even been out 2 years....
  9. Well I've made another version
  10. Well it's mine :( I copyrighted :D
  11. :lol: :lol: LOL :lol: :lol: