The K.I.F.C. Revolution vs. Etheral

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SwagBruh, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. First off k.i.f.c. and i-train started off on a good foot (I-train is a sub clan). Then this whole business started about a week ago because, CelestialAngel thought she was amazing and could boss us around. Now the K.I.F.C. we didn't too kindly of this, so about 10 of us did the logical thing and farmed her. CelestialAngel made it a point to show us that she was in a big clan like Etheral, we didnt care! :lol: so we farmed her a little more and things stopped. We were on an uneasy peace for about a week. During this time i personally planned how we were gonna farm I-Train, and Etheral. Lastnight we launched our assault and farmed I-Train. To our surprise they brought in Etheral :lol: were still gonna farm them then when were done Etheral...the clan really doesnt scare us!! We are hoping that this war will give us a spot on the KAW map! By doing so, we will not call in any allies. We will fight this fight ourselves. We will prevail. Etheral can bring in as many allies as they want, as many people as they want. Now you guys sit back, watch the show, see who is gonna lose. Place bets for all i care. Will you take Etherals side? Or maybe the new clan The K.I.F.C. Revolution? Join us, or Fight us. You choose.
  2. You have fried chicken?
  3. This made me laugh 

    Yes let's farm a clan like I-train who, until ethe members stepped up, didn't have the stats close to your top member. Woohoo! You'd sure get some cred and be put on the "kaw map" from that. It's a sub clan, so of course our main would step in. And now you're *****ing in forums. kudos.
  4. funny most of eth real members that stepped in got pinned GG
  5. I was wondering the same thing as Delphin the entire time I tried reading the OP.
  6. All I can think about right now is eating some fried chicken.
  7. @Delphin, I thought the same thing
  8. Rofl they are some nasty fried chicken...
  9. so im guessing you all support KIFC rofl
  10. Lol I have never been pinned, neither have most of ethe...good try at a comeback though:)
  11. we arent hitting eth real my friend we are hitting i train the people that moved from eth real to i train got pinned i should have elaborated rofl o well my bad for thinking you were brighter
  12. Nope. I'm pretty sure no one was able to read to OP.
  13. Who read the op? All I read was Delphins comment.
  14. Lol I have 3 alts in I-train, which I might add, have never been pinned, ya noob:) I thought you were bright enough not to try and lie lmao
  15. gimme some links bro ill pin them :D
  16. Lol @mvp I tried but gave up. I only got tidbits of what he said.
  17. 3 ALTS?? OMGG!
  18. Unlike you, I'm not dumb enough to provide wall links lmao and I am not "bro", thanks.
  19. I just looked over most of KIFC players and, as far as I can tell, they have no idea what they're doing. The OP is asking people to buy his allies XD
  20. I think he Is scared to give you links! :lol: