So, there's been a lot of whining to the devs about GH. I'm not so sure that's necessary. Why not just strip them naked from outside war? I doubt they get too much plunder then. And it's not like they can come back and hit an hlbc account either. Discuss.
i know im gonna sound stupid in 5 seconds, but what IS guild hansel, why is it bad, why do you care, what makes it/them worthy of a butthurt thread?
Lets step outside the social construct of KaW for a second, and just look at game rules... Personally, I don't care about GH hitting me in war- not a real issue even with big BFE. The devs have whatever rules they have, and if there is a "problem", I'm simply suggesting there is a "solution" without having to do anything.
@ zed- sounds like you're a little butthurt by the prospect of a discussion on relevant game tactics. Why not just stick to something on your intellectual plane? Like the "rate the name above you" threads? Then you don't have to pretend to be cool while secretly feeling threatened.
this is my 4th day on kaw, so pardon my "unintellectualness" on whatever you just said. im merely curious on what guild hansel is, and why it's such a big deal. is there any problem in that?
Jas, what fix was that? Devs mere broke things this weekend. I'm unaware of any fixes. Res, absolutely no disrespect, but do you actually understand the problem? It doesn't look like you or your clan has been all that involved in EE. Just curious.
@jas- doesn't seem to be super popular... Judging from feedback in war thread. Thus, this thread... Can't shop and hit at the same time lol
@ giskard... Not from that clan. Yes I've warred some. My gripe is I vastly prefer the random KO with advantage- which the devs have not pursued for reasons of their own. Try -RCA- or _RCA_ there have been plenty of wars in those two clans.
Some people are happy, I exaggerated when I said majority. It's not a fix, but all answers must be tried out to make sure they can 100% work or not work. Can't just make guesses.
Sure Jas, I see where you are coming from. I guess my point is that this game evolves all kinda of made up "rules" that the devs didn't make... Why not think outside the box? That's all.
Res, I agree on the random KO. I prefer just the random KO, but RKO is good too. Brings the control to the player, not the tracker. A good thing in general.