The Great Guide Of War

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Lupus-, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. WAR

    Sorry about then no colors or fonts.
    When I get my laptop I will update the thread and add these.



    1.0-Competitive Wars

    2.0- Hostile Wars

    3.0- Training Wars

    4.0- Plunder Wars



    Warring Is a big part of KaW. It's in the name! Warring was first put into the game after two volunteer clans, Foxes and IG, tested the system.
    A Thinking Ape thought the trail was a success, and put warring in the next update. Warring can be used for multiple things. Eg:
    Making Gold
    Settling Disputes
    Training New Members
    Growing OSF/OAF
    A war is declared when an Admin/Owner goes to a rival clans homepage and presses the Declare War button. Then Three Admin have to accept the challenge from the opposing clan within twelve hours. Then a twelve hour preparation time will be started, during this time members can pot up, buy xtals and become active on the battle list for the war. Read on to learn about specific types of wars...


    Competitive wars are basically wars that let your members experience a nice war with a friendly atmosphere. Players on the opposing clan don't strip, merc harshly or send insulting messages to rival players.
    Competitive wars are usually found off the Rival Clans List. Because competitive wars are declared on clans with similar member strength to yours. There not all happy and nice though. It is a war by the way! The other clan wants to win so don't think you can hit and leave your money lying around. It will get taken back. People have competitive wars to give there members a easy war experience. Maybe after a training war, that you will read about later. Competitive wars can also be used as preparation for strip wars, which you will also read about later.
    Updates to Competitive wars will be made soon!


    Hostile Wars are wars that are mainly used to settle arguments either made in forums, wall posting, even Separate games. I have seen a hostile war take place because of a dispute in the game High School Hero's forums. Hostile wars usually take place between leader-board clans wishing to get a higher place than the other. Hostile wars are wars that involve striping another player on the rival team of gold, pots and allies. The aim is to make them leave the other clan, or leave KaW all together!
    Hostile wars can also occur if an Anti-OSF clan finds a Pwar clan, that is not fun to watch. In order to strive in A Hostile War, Pots are needed. Have no gold left out, Invest in pots, Be active 24/7. If your a target in a Hostile war, Drop allies and buy pots. To learn more about hostile wars, I will include a Hostile War Strategy Guide at the end. If a clan is getting beaten in a hostile war, Getting Mercs in is always an option. You can either make world chat announcements, forum threads or just wall players.


    Training Wars are wars used to give new and old clan members a taste of a real war. If a clan has pre-planned a date of declaration of a competitive war, a training war could be planned, played and forfeited accordingly. Training wars are like the cousin of Plunder wars, but no OSF are involved. One clan, the defending one, will have some members, preferably active. They will let the attacking clan attack them till DTW. Then if the attacking clan owner is ready, he can let the defending clan hit the attacking clan to test their pots. Training wars rules can be changed around to whatever the owners want! They are a very good way to test if your members are at their peak for a real war. The defending clan usually gets the forfeit plunder, it's just courtesy.


    Plunder wars are a way to grow your members fast and efficiently. More and more Pwars are coming about these days and some older KaW members are become hostile towards OSF. Some even taking extreme measures against them and farming, possibly strip farming, hitters in the attacking clan. They can also attack OSF that are in a Pwar to waste their pots and leave them DTW so the clan makes no plunder. Clans have been made to stop Pwars and hostile war Pwar clans.
    A Pwar is a war where one side has one or two, possibly three OSF (open spy farm) and possibly an OAF (open attack farm). The other clan is filled which gold seeking players that repeatedly hit the OSF and OAF as they drop pots. Guides have been made about Plunder wars elsewhere and I honestly can't be bothered to explain. There are other sorts of Pwars, like two sided Pwars. I like them more than one sided Pwars. I will explain what happens in a two sided Pwar:
    In a two sided Pwar, both teams have a pre-determined number of OSF/OAF and hitters. The hitters of each clan hit the OSF/OAF of the opposite clan and compete to get the most plunder. There is no forfeiting a two sided Pwar and the winner tajes it all.



    I will only include one guide at the moment and that will be a guide on hostile war. I'm on IPod Touch and my fingers are killing me. :)


    In order to succeed in a Hostile war, you will need the following:
    No Gold Left Out
    HEAPS Of Defense/Attack Pots
    No Allies (optional)
    Activity 24/7.
    Maybe not the much activity :)
    The rival clan will most likely be trying to Pin you. Then make sure you stay pinned. This technique is called the Pin Sit technique. If this happens to you, get someone to distract them and then break free.
    A good way to get the opposition into a Pin Sit trap is to use the "Activity Check". Only a newb would fall for it though.
    You send them a message, if your not blocked. Just any random message, like "haha I attacked you". If they retaliate in ANY war Eg: message back, hit back, leave them alone. If they don't, Hire One of their allies, Then farm all of their gold away. Repeat. When they get back online, seeing all of their allies gone, No units and no gold, they may consider leaving KaW.
    I know so many other techniques but I'm not sharing them. I will release a few more as I update the thread, but not my favorites, you might end up versing me in a strip war one day. You never know.


    Thank you and goodbye!

  2. Pretty sure someone already made something like this. His name was Sun Tzu.
  3. Sorry about the length.

    Next update won't be long. It will contain,

    Actual Statistics
    More Guides
    More Sexiness ;)
  4. Oh. I have been offline for a bit so I am not up to date
  5. -_____-

    Then Why made a Guide?

    And the "Pin Sit" isn't called that lol.
    Sounds like putting a pin on someones chair :3

  6. As I said, BBcodes are a piss of
    To make on Idevice.
  7. Not really, It's just takes practice and patience.

    BBcodes are looooongg, but GUIDES NEED IT :3
  8. *It -____-
  9. Rofl, did you really just tell them to drop all their allies, and buy pots?! Lololol! Wow. Your going to make CR's job a lot easier in future wars, thanks.
  10. Dropping all allies will stop them from getting hired away then ur money getting farmed away.

  11. You put a lot of effort into this but...

    Learn to fight a real war
  12. Yeah warlock is a big noob
  13. Ok then FunnyBunny, How would YOU fight a REAL war? I don't see you using your own time to make a thread that BENEFITS the community. No, you just troll the threads that players have put a lot of work into because your JEALOUS! Your jealous that you can't make a good thread. Is that what it is?
    So STFU and GTFO.
    Or go troll some other poor players thread. Or go create your OWN thread.
    Dumb little Noob.
  14. ***RunnyBunny****

    But yes warlock is a Noob:)
  15. Drop your allies? lol. Are you serious?
  16. Lol, your ignorance is brilliant.

    And my strategies are mine. Go ahead and drop your allies cuz my alt is coming for you...if your not too small for him too.
  17. Lololol, I'm a noob?! been here since before there were were even clans, much less "real wars". If you want advice on real wars, come ask the old school players. If you want to drop your allies like a newb and loose 40% of your money, go ahead and make a real war clans day.
  18. Lol sorry but warlock is definetly right. You can't drop ur allies and expect to gain any money. Besides if ur active then u don't need to worry about it cause u would be around when it began happening. And by the way not everyone will post back and when u buy their ally they hire back and hit u big.