Magical tale of a land with dragons, give me a name, a personality, and what you want to be, warrior, Mage, ninja assassin, or a wizard. Can be evil if you choose. WARNING may not be able to put most in the story!! First come first serve.
Name: Maya Prea Personality: sweet(most of the time) caring, loving, stubborn, short tempered, tough, flirty, smart, open-minded, when she has her mind set on something no one can stop her in completing it. Appearance: (she's stunning) black wavy hair, electric blue eyes/that sometimes turn green once her mood changes to something bad or if she kills someone, skinny with an athletic built, pearl white teeth, ruby red lips. Idk if I need a bio so I'll cut that out lol n maybe if it's necessary I'll put it later And idk exactly what I want to be you can choose for me if u put me in ur book pls, it's a chose between a wizard, elf(and If elves are short then forget it lol) and a warrior Hope u put me in ur book<3