the gilded lord

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 4A6F73-HEX-687561, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. I would like a go at it for me and my mate he is Hlbc(hybrid) I'm not I'm 4.6m combined plz comment or wall me plz

    Haters section
  2. It's not out yet....
  3. He probably knows that, just wants a shot at it when it comes out.

    I do too 
  4. I'll be doing it 
  5. Me too I already have feather to tickle dragon and I'm trying to get armor in case we need it
  6. I've got all the items I need! :D
  7.  u should invite me ILK. :)
  8. Yay monster garage letting me in
  9. @ immortal999 we are???
  10. To many updates, I can't keep up with them!!!
  11. never mind A1 is letting you in nice:)