This is a story of one heroic knight who fought a huge dragon named moutos.Enjoy 1 The hooves made a crunching sound as I raced through the cave,eating distance fast.The horse was going 50 miles per hour.60.70.80.His speed continued as he galloped through, but when he got out, I saw a apple.It was golden.I hopped of my horse to go for it, and suddenly I heard a growl.I took out my sword and turned around.Screaming at what I saw.It was the myth, Moutos the Malovent. 2 Quickly I ran towards my horse, but as that happened Moutos swept my horse off the ground, and ate him.I knew I was in trouble now.So I simply ran away.That didn't help at all.He flew over my head and attacked.I raised my shield, blocking the blow.The blow was so hard that I staggered backwards.I looked and saw a huge hole in my shield, so I did what I had to do:I dropped it.I then charged as fast as I could, and struck.I swung my sword right into it's leg.It stayed there.I tugged.I knew I was hurting Moutos.Then I yanked it out and he ran towards the apple. 3 I knew I needed to get that apple so I did something stupid.I threw my sword. It landed in front of Moutos and he tripped over it.He growled as he flew high, but then he spiraled down.And blew a fireball.Quickly, I grabbed my sword, and jumped.My adrenaline rush was tremendous.I jumped onto.Moutos's back and stabbed him.He fell and I jumped, barely missing him.I went and grabbed the apple and put it in my pocket.It was over.The battle was done. I hope you loved it.Please post below!
Oh hey Coldplay. 2 things. 1) Your grammar, as always, is miserable. Also, try using SPACES AFTER PERIODS. 2) If you're making a story about KaW, at least make it fit the "time"-scheme. Miles per hour probably isn't an applicable speed measurement, and many other points didn't fit. It's your job to find and fix them.
Listen it was short.So what. Writing is not for critics it's for FUN.The story was short cause that's when I thought it should end.Respect it.I call it RESPECT!!!!!!!
The fact that it's short means it's unproportional to the actual eb time, and lacks description in almost every way.
Tsk. Young people these days, no clue how to argue properly. I swear, it's colinaidas all over again. Also, I really need a better nickname for you, Para. ^^;
It was choppy, hard to follow,confusing, and just unoriginal. Don't write epic battle stories I've never seen a good one and doubt I ever will.
Well, now that I've seen your response to feedback, I'd like to tell you to stop writing here. If you can't handle criticism, don't write publicly.
Yeah Choco, you should. And please don't remind me of him, makes me want to slam my head onto a knife.
Oops. Aha. Well, you'll get a girly chapter eventu-- WAIT, I GET THE CHAPTER WHERE SHE DAYDREAMS ABOUT THE COFFEE SHOP GUY. ****.
Wait... My brain wandered there, didn't it? ^^; I think I meant to put something about your nickname being relevant to cursors between those two totally irrelevant sentences.