The gh 'nerf'

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lasmain, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Can we all please take a moment to talk a bit about the gh nerf?

    Their plunder decreased a lot, i know that. But in my opinion, that only affects the eb part of the game.
    Gh's are still as attractive for war as they were before the nerf. Everytime there's an upcoming war, all i see in wc is 'need 3 gh 1 big for war', 'need 2 gh/ght for war', 'need 3 gh/soslvl1 hansel for war'.

    I thought the hit ratio got changed or something, so that having a gh in roster would most likely get you a no-macth, if you have bigs in the roster as well ofc.

    As i see it now, there's still no warring for mid-builds. After the nerf, i got convinced that the only thing there was to do, was to expand my build.. I've saved 1.3t up now, and i'm about to put up sdt and adt so i'm ready for war again. BUT - i might just tear it all down again and put guilds/sos lvl 1 up, so I will be an attractive player to have in a war roster.. Only reason why I haven't done this yet is that i don't want to make the same mistake 2 times (which is to tear down a whole build to become a gh, and then get nerfed)

    There's no doubt in my mind, that IF I do put up these defense towers, GH's will still be preffered over me at all times.

    So what do u all think? Tear down the whole build once again to become a GH and probably get screwed over by a nerf - BUT be able to war..... Or stay 2.2m / 2.2m troops - 0.5m / 2m spies and get shitty plunder and no warring?

    They made this change to encourage people to grow, but as far as i'm concerned, everything is still the same (other than a lot lower eb plunder for the GH's - but come on.. who wouldn't want to stay GH for a month or 2 to get some of this sexy war equipments before starting to grow properly)....................

    Am i the only one with this opinion? What do you guys think? Enlighten me please :)

    Also MERRY XMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
  2. Almost forgot.... here's a suggestion.. why not just increase the payout from hitting gH's? Wouldn't that solve it all?
  3. Or you could grow and be able to war while also progressing in the game as was intended. Also your suggestion to increase payout from gh's would also mean gh's hitting gh's should be making more making them yet again more desireable, as well as implying that smaller builds should pay more meaning less reason to worry about hitting bigger players who would typically pay better.

    In case you weren't sure no support
  4. Support what? I just want peoples opinions
  5. Lol so u are saying u have 1.3 tril out? Fb st 11sdp
  6. I couldn't read all that. But 1.3 trillion out huh?.... Hmmm....
  7. Already on it
  8. I switched to all SOS lvl 1 and gained much plunder
  9. They didn't just nerf plunder, that's why gh is obsolete.
  10. You know how hard it would be to increase the pay per hit on GH?

  11. And GH is not obsolete. GH's purpose was to lower roster strength while keeping good plunder.

    Guess what?

  12. first of all, sry to u all for trying to put something constructive into this game.

    second of all, sry onesy for apparently threatening you(?????)


    I'm a little teapot, short and stout
    Here is my handle (one hand on hip), here is my spout (other arm out straight)
    When I get all steamed up, hear me shout
    Just tip me over and pour me out!
    (As song ends, lean over and tip arm out like a spout.)

    I'm a clever teapot, yes it's true
    Here's an example of what I can do
    I can change my handle to my spout (Switch arm positions and repeat tipping motion.)
    Just tip me over and pour me out.
  13. Cf not accepted u met only one of the terms u were offered, and ignored the most important one.
  14. OP, in my opinion, you will get farther by building everything except your towers in the first step, sequentially upgrading the buildings, then saving to convert the last few lands (keep them guilds or if in HF, empty) to towers all at once.

    This is the easiest way to have a war ready build in short amounts of time. Dont war with an incomplete build
  15. So onesy, what are the cf terms for OP?
  16. Onesy you idiot shut up an get back to playing dead you potless poor excuse of a *cough warrior. Tell ya what leave op an his eb build alone an whats say I get back to kicking you about the place eh?.
  17. Cf met  thx op  let that be a lesson (we better not catch u back in og ) Merry Christmas
  18. And sadistic I will return inc when u become relevant at all. Have a good day
  19. So let me get this straight...

    Lasmain comes on forums to get advice and opinions and he's getting farmed and made to sing "I'm a Lttlle Teapot" (how original)?

    THIS is why I'm hesitant to ever send new players to forums. Which is a real shame because besides all of this kind of nonsense and attention seeking saliva dribblers there are actually some decent threads on here that could help new players.

    Lasmain had a legitimate question. And gets farmed for it. Pathetic attempt at making yourself look awesome Onesy