The Future Of War

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by *IIlIlllIIIll______lllIIIIllIlI (01), Aug 7, 2014.

  1. SH and Tanks want Regular Wars.
    EB Noobs want Individual Wars.
    The rest want Primal Wars.

    No matter what the Dev's do the Community as a whole cannot be content. Everyone, no matter what the war everyone complains about unfair matchup's. I personally believe Primal Wars are a step in the right direction. But as many people have already realized matchup's still aren't perfect. What I propose is a fix to Primal Wars. What would happen is that you would gather your 20 man roster. BFA would still not be counted like usual. Except when you cast for war you must be naked (have no equipment;). Now here's the scenario.
    Clan A has a total of 70mcs
    Now clan B merely has 65mcs but they still match
    What I propose is that to close the gap the Devs create a new set of temporary custom equipment. This equipments value would vary according to the stat gap. So we'll call one of these equipments Baron Boots. Now these baron boots will have a 250k Attack, Defense, Spy Attack, Spy Defense. They will be given to 5 random members on the team. 5 Baron Boots x 1mcs stats equals 5m in stats. Which closes the original 5m between clans. Now you get a perfect matchup every time you war, no unfair wars. Then after the war the Baron Boots would magically disappear. A new pair of Boots would appear with a different stat value balancing the size variance during the next time you war.

    Just in case you still don't get the concept yet:
    Clan C has 100mcs in stats
    Clan D has 80mcs in stats.
    Now only 10 of these Baron Boots are given out.
    But this time these Boots have 500k Attack, Defense, Spy Attack, Spy Defense.
    Hopefully you get the point by now

    TL;DR? Every time you war to make up the stat differences the weaker team would receive equipment to balance the stats

    Please don't hate just a suggestion. No Supports are frowned upon :cry:

    Sorry for any BBcode failures️
    Yes I know I'm a stateless alt :mrgreen:
  2. Very Interesting Idea. Support
  3. Support
    Something different for once!
  4. Makes me think of guild wars 2 pvp system. Where you join and your character lvl is the same as everyone else and start with a base equipment set
  5. The equip would have to scale otherwise you would always want ro be the 'smaller' team who ends up with a broken static boost that the otherside does not get. Decent idea, just needs more work and not sure if devs could put this in place to be 'fair'.
  6. Interesting idea, Support
  7. Equipment stats are not like CS you would have to break down the actual stats of each team (you can find yours on your own profile I don't know if there is actually a way of me to see someone else's except for maybe PC idk) not just the bonus they give to their allies (CS) to get a proper adjustment for the stat gap if that makes sense. If not sorry for being unclear it's the only way I know how to say it. Maybe someone with more knowledge in that department can help you but all in all a pretty good idea :)
  8. A small bonus like that wouldn't change a loss and why make a alt to post this?
  9. Support! This is a good idea! I'm scared to participate in primal wars, but I find this very balanced. 
  10. To put that in perspective my TS (total stats) are 569 mil and equipment and BFA account into that so the equipment would have to be larger than you think but since it would be a static bonus it would be difficult to find a happy medium that gives you some strength from full but not overpowering static from pin...

    Or I'm just completely wrong and if so forget what I hve said lol but anyways I hope that adds some clarity.. If not oh well I tried